In classroom when I say these words normally bring a certain discomfort for the pupils, what it would be normal, a time that I would be approaching a subject that is part of the day – day of the people. Then, who would be prepared to be unemployment in the current days, will be that in a good job would be enough to them that everything would be guaranteed until our retirement? When we are with that job, with that wage among others benefits that the company can offer to everything this would be guarantee? Who would have to invest in the career of the professional the Company or the proper employee? A time I asked in classroom if somebody was attending a course other courses that could help them in its job, as a course of management of projects, financial management, or knowing a new platform that improved the tasks of the company even though, assisting the people in a good attendance to the customer or improving a product. In a group of 50 pupils, only one 10 pupils had raised the hands. The times a course of English can relieve it a good position in the exterior. Already it stopped to always think that nor employee who has more time in the company is most qualified This is a very important tip, because, in the awaken one for the new market of work, that dumb the time all. Then you if prepared to be dismissed? He thinks about this Tip: She never waits of the company as if she waits of a father or a mother, if its wage can defray a course, then it makes, people go and companies are. Until briefing! I am Rogrio Marques, I visit mine blog- Twitter RogerioMarques9