Support, many know what it is but few practise acts its favor. All want a sustainable life, but they are not strengthenn for adquiriz it. ' ' Thus the humanity walks, with steps of ant and without vontade' ' Lulu Saints the global Heating is a fact that is consuming the planet to each day that passes, or better, to each as. Calotas polar melts and the level of the ocean increases collaborating for the sprouting of the tsunamis feared ones. Deserts in a gorgeous forest appear, due to the illegal deforestation, which cause premature deaths of animals for consequncia of the disequilibrium of ecosystems and the animals in extinguishing disappear as a magician touch.
The effect greenhouse appears as a monster bred and fed by the proper one human being, since the same it appears through the fosseis fuel burning, as pollutant gasoline, diesel and some gases. Tufes, hurricanes and cyclones appear through the evaporation of waters of the ocean. Without counting to the waves of heat and the temperatures that change diverse times, it seems until we pass per the four stations in an only month. He is obvious that all the ambient disasters are extremely on with the global heating, and only that it can it withhold this badly that is destroying our environment is the man. For incredible that it seems the rational being if it becomes irrational, it makes all wrong one and it continues destroying its proper home and it does not think about the future, in the future of our children, grandsons, greats-grandson Everything what it happens it is guilt of the proper man who only harvests what he planted, the law of the cause and effect exists yes and must be respected mainly when it is about the nature. The protocol of Kyoto is not being rigorously respected, however it exists in order to help to reduce the emission of responsible pollutant gases for the effect greenhouse, in the theory, yes, it exists! The organization not governmental Greenpeace took the initiative to create a video protesting against the deforestation of the Amaznia and appealed President Dilma to save the forest that is being consumed to each as. The question is, will be that the president will go appeals to take care of it the organization? It will be that it goes to give one is enough in the deforestations in the general way of our forest? Or the world will finish first? We need to act, to swim against the rapids to save the planet, which we inhabit and we usufruct of its valuable goods. Many people suffer with the natural accidents, lose familiar, houses and until dignity and the people continue of crossed arms, or better, making everything in contrast to a sustainable life. We must make our part, since stopping to waste papers and water even though to knock down trees, to kill animals, to emit pollutant gases, to construct houses in places not allowed, thinks ' ' matar' ' the nature and to destroy the environment is ' ' matar' ' proper itself and to harm the proper species. you, until when go to wait a natural disaster to happen? As well as us the nature this if defending of intruders and annihilators! It thinks, it reflects, alive!