
Biomass Energy

In the last few decades the ambient problems if have aggravated due to continuous emission of pollutants in the atmosphere, caracaterizados for extreme amounts of gases and harmful particulados materials to the environment and the health of the beings livings creature. This if must mainly to the ostensive fsseis fuel use as power plant. Thus representative of diverse areas of the knowledge they come if motivating to study alternative forms of energy production. It more enters the studied forms can be cited the use of the alcohol proceeding from the sugar sugar cane and most recent used, biodiesel, which if fit in a fuel classroom renewed. One another type of renewable fuel that is being wide studied is the bio-oil, this is gotten from the pyrolysis of biomasses, such as wood, forest and agricultural residues. The bio-oil, beyond being used as combustible, can be used as substance cousin for the synthesis of diverse other substances of high aggregate value. Ahead of this, the present article aims at to the understanding of the pyrolysis process, elucidating its main types of process, beyond the used classrooms of biomass more. In elapsing of history, the use of the biomass has varied considerably under the influence of two main factors: the demographic density and the availability of resources (Table et al., 2003).

Thus the world-wide demand for energy, especially the proceeding one from the fsseis fuel use aiming at to take care of the high levels of industrial production has been one of the main aggravations of the ambient problems. In order to brighten up these effect he has been carried through studies of sources you renewed of energy and less pollutant fuels, as bio-fuels, etanol produced from the sugar cane-of-sugar or maize and biodiesel, that it can be extracted of oleaginosas as soy, mamona, tame nut, among others. Another alternative of renewable biocombustvel that has been sufficiently studied is the fuel use proceeding from residues of vegetables, as wood and bagasse of sugar cane. These materials are assigned biomass, which possess a great amount of energy that is accumulated during the period of growth of these plants by means of the photosyntheses, the energy gotten through these are called of bioenergia.