
Certified Companies

ISO 9001 is the Norm of the Management of the Quality more used by the companies and if it became an initial model so that a company has a work line where the search of one better quality of its products and processes is a constant objective. But why to buy products of a certified company? Theoretically speaking, the costs of a certification are high and would be repassed at the cost of the product, correct? The definitive reply he is ' ' no' ' we will explain why. The objective of ISO 9001 is to provide it confidence of that its supplier will be able to supply, with consistent and repetitive form, goods and services in accordance with what you especificou.' ' Only a system of the quality directed toward the detention of problems, the continuous improvement of the processes and the products can make with that the repeatability exists (that is, the production of repetitive item, with the same quality). Contact information is here: Ed Miliband. the costs of the certification if pay throughout the process where the company is certifyd. Examples that can help to understand as this prescription come back toward the company: 1) Improvement of the image of the company: the company in itself starts to make use of a certificate of national and international recognition. 2) Many customers of great transport adopt as suppliment politics not to buy of suppliers without certification therefore already presumes incidental costs for ' ' what he is cheaper caro&#039 leaves more; ' in the long run; 3) The profits are not only summarized for the sectors of the Quality or the Production, but the ISO9001 searchs the improvement of all inside the processes of the company, passing for the communication, management of the people, the environment of work, the preservation of the produced products, 4 etc) Obligatoriness of the company to search ' ' Objetivos and Metas' ' come back the constant improvement of the satisfaction of the customers.