8.2.COLETA OF DATA This research had as subsidy a questionnaire (to see Appendix 1) that it involved 150 people was carried through in the Optics Ana Maria, for occasion of the acquisition of the eyeglasses. The instruments of the research had turned around: questionnaires built with closed questions, thus causing to necessary subsidies for an analytical reading between the involved citizens and the authors of this study. 8.2.1. Collected PRIMARY DATA through 150 (one hundred and fifty) questionnaires applied in marketing research with the using jewel customers. SAMPLE was carried through through intentional sampling in the Optics Ana Maria. 8.2.2.
SECONDARY DATA had been collected in bibliographical research, books, reviewed, articles, web, etc. 9.RESULTADOS AND QUARREL 9.1.RESULTADO OF the Marketing research After the accomplishment of the field research, with the data collected for the application of the questionnaires to I publish target to it, was possible to infer that: The majority (70%) of the interviewed ones is of religion catholic, as she illustrates the graph of Figure 2. This question is excellent because the thematic one of the project is related to the faith catholic, that is, the catholics is the main consumers of the product of the project. Figure 2. Variation of the opinion on which religion the interviewed one practises.
Source: Data of the research, 2009. Of the 150 interviewed, 48 have preference for jewels that are of religious matrix, in accordance with the graph of Figure 3. Figure 3. Variation of the opinion on the jewel preference of the interviewed one. Source: Data of the research, 2009. The biggest ecological responsibility that the interviewed ones has is with the recycling, this fact is displayed in the diagram of Figure 4. Figure 4. Variation of the opinion on the ecological responsibility of the interviewed one. Source: Data of the research, 2009. 9.2.RESULTADOS OF the PROJECT For the development of the project, became necessary to create some archetypes of pendants, the first one created was called Nazar in Clouds.