Uncategorized Shines In New Splendour

The patients shines for a few days in new splendour. The patients shines for a few days in new splendour. Special focus was on the re lauch it, even easier to present the relevant and current information about the professional dental care and healthy teeth of the patient. In the areas of treatment, treatment alternatives, complaints, cost, nice teeth and provision, patients find now helpful information for the daily care of the teeth. Also was”the area dental dictionary, explain how understandable terminology for lay people to be significantly revised and more technical terms included in the glossary.

“The issue of professional tooth cleaning” is very relevant in the context of dental prophylaxis. Unfortunately, however, only a few patients have regularly perform a professional tooth cleaning. Very little information there, as many patients regularly a professional tooth cleaning can be carried out and what they pay for it there on currently a survey on this topic. The survey will determine also whether patients frequently perform a professional tooth cleaning would make, if the statutory health insurance companies would contribute to the cost. All visitors to the site are invited to participate in the survey. The results will be published in autumn 2010.

The relaunch will open now also for specialist and guest contributions by dentists. Thus, dentists current insights and tips about the dental care on the site can publish. As is the ability to publish pictures of treatment history on However, it is important that all information for patients should be presented in easily understandable way. Finally, the visit to the dentist is considerably relaxed, if you understand as a patient, what are the next steps. For more information, see – Andreas Horr