
Microfinance Capital Component

Banks deny capital and blocking the way into self-employment, interest, to make, in Germany with an own business independently is remains low in an international comparison. Only about 400,000 companies are opened each year. In the may, 2012 from the Institute for economic and cultural geography (Leibnitz Universitat Hannover) presented comparison between the 12 countries shows clearly, in the age group is the willingness of business between 18 and 64 years of age just 5.6%. The conditions in Germany are considered positively regards the offer public programmes, discussions, supplier structure, appreciation, innovation and protection of intellectual rights. Negative however outweighs the own assessment of academic and non-academic foundation training. Thus the self assessment of the formation of drops. To 30% are more, serious obstacles to establishing the regulations and taxes, as well as the financing conditions. Considering that the capital requirements in most Foundation under 20,000 is located, the behavior of the banks is incomprehensible.

In many cases, they denied the entrepreneurs and founders of even small overdraft lines or to start-up funding. Get the same person but would standing easily more than 20,000 lump-sum credit for personal interests in the employment relationship”. There is a discrepancy and disregard the corporate interests. Especially against the background that co-founder average creates 4 new jobs. Often dodged on private borrowed money with a limited scope. The liquidity ceiling is so tense from the first day and larger projects or growth steps are usually not possible in the first few years. It also has an impact on the economy, what perspective burdened the Bank rating and the rating according to Basel 2 and Basel 3. Since 2010, the Federal Ministry of labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) has a well established in the international environment Microfinance concept introduced. This project funded by 2015 from ESF funds foresees for the named founders group micro-loans up to 20,000.