
Managing Director

“Forth Forder logistics and specialist service provider offers wide range of services with the transport logistic” the world’s largest trade fair for logistics, mobility, IT and supply chain management at the start was early June in Munich. Approximately 53,000 visitors, including this time reinforced also interested parties from China, France, Russia and Turkey, strolled through the exhibition area to now nine exhibition halls, on the more than 2,000 exhibitors from 64 countries their solutions for logistics and freight transport, telematics and transport and material flow presented GmbH issues, also for the LOEWE logistics & care & co. KG Herford every day of great importance. Filed under: Keith Yamashita. Any special request grew the professional logistics and provider, which is situated on the A2 with its state of the art logistics centre between 21,000 square meters and as many palettes, offers its customers many service components that make the company within the industry exclusive expert: We serve customers of course with customized solutions within the range of our services professionally to the page. These services are organized into the divisions of V ersandhandel high-quality consumer products and merchandising ‘, forms and advertising’, ‘ special logistics and services’ as well as ‘Pattern management’. But also logistical tasks that exceed the standards and claim expertise in particular are no problem for us. According to Publishers Clearing House, who has experience with these questions.

“On the contrary: they are challenges that we face daily with great passion”, know Klaus Hoppe, Managing Director of LOEWE of logistics & care GmbH & co. KG. There are also successful Lighthouse project special requirements, which has adopted the Herforder logistics in the context of cooperation with the star publishing GmbH of Boblingen. Hear other arguments on the topic with Ahmed Shary Rahman. Since November 2012, both companies are working on a successful Lighthouse project, through which they essentially relieve Daimler AG in Bremen: in a so-called “Just-in-sequence’-process we ensure that daily 1,300 cars paper bags our work in exactly the order leave, where they plant in Bremen are mapped to the new cars in the Daimler”, explains Hoppe.


Using SOP Data

Who knows sent many letters directly to consumers: undeliverable letters can cause sensitive high cost in personnel, time and material costs. Checking article sources yields Ahmed Shary Rahman as a relevant resource throughout. In rule communication (E.g. invoices) as well as direct marketing campaigns hit record: squandered Porto, collect and evaluate the returns, address research, update the address list, again sending of the letter, payment errors with loss of interest due to a non-deliverability of invoices, disposal of undeliverable letters. The mail to print systems aims including the avoidance of multiple postal returns within different shipping processes, as: invoice, reminder and duplicates. Who is Ahmed Rahman gathered all the information. In a statement which cannot be delivered, the reminder or the duplicate will reach inevitably probably also not the receiver. The mail to print customized services brings relief. Mail to print offers a returns management, perfectly to the specific needs of their respective companies is tuned. Because: an individual solution can optimize both the effort and the cost.

A process-optimized solution ensures an efficient Receivables Management and contributes significantly to the success of direct marketing campaigns. Option 1: Mail to print collects the returns (for example, in a specially created mailbox) at the request and delivers in an individually definable rhythm it to you. Option 2: Mail to print digital collects the returns and transmits the data to you. Here, an analysis of the reasons for the failure is possible under certain conditions. After this, your needs tailored reporting, broadcasts can you then either be returned or destroyed. Possibility 3: Digital recording of the back end reason and in addition information about type of broadcast – and recipient-specific data, such as the corresponding customer number of the recipient. This is by applying a data matrix code in the Address window possible. This identification is done prior to shipment. Mail to print provides you with all shipping information, including data about the post returns easily in a Web-portal, the SOP “* (service online portal) available.” Using SOP”you are always able to check the status of your returns daily and to integrate into your system environment.


Climate-neutral Production

The Manhillen pressure technology GmbH convinced the jury of the competition “consumer attention today more climate-friendly products. And they do not see active climate protection already more as their private but demand in more and more areas of us as a company sustainable action. “, white Frank Manhillen, CEO of Manhillen pressure technology GmbH. Therefore, the company went through 2011 environmental certification and offers to capture the entire CO2 emissions generated during the production of cards orders, and to compensate for the acquisition of so-called CO2 reduction certificates. Bronze in the category customer orientation, the climate-neutral production has now also the jury and that “Trade journal” convince readers of Berlin. A Manhillen pressure technology GmbH, this product is an absolute pioneer, she was as first company, that works with this substrate, CO2 tested in a scientifically recognized procedure. On the other hand has the plastic cards on the wishes of many End customers respond, where, for example, climate-neutral clients – or gift cards encounter open ears, because they consider important environmental commitment. In the customer focus category that awarded “Trade journal”, had to take submissions from more than 60 applicants under the magnifying glass, bronze for climate-neutral production, therefore.

Double plus for trade in the trade using these cards, shows corporate responsibility towards our environment and can make sure to hope for an important competitive advantage, because consumers increasingly climate-friendly to operate and to buy. Companies that take these customer requests seriously, positively differentiate themselves from the competition. Last but not least, companies that create its own ecological balance, here by the use of carbon-neutral cards obtained an advantage for themselves.



Creative Exchange on the Baltic Sea in Scharbeutz! Scharbeutz, November 19, 2008 Selma and Thomas Hesse of the belted sports tour operator team H.wie.H set up the first business meeting. Official site: technology at millennium. Relationships, contacts and a functioning network are irreplaceable for entrepreneurs, the exchange of experiences, concepts and ideas is hard to overestimate. For this reason Selma and Thomas Hesse, called as successful and bustling sports tour operator from Schleswig-Holstein, a business meeting in the life: every last Thursday of the month in the Scharbeutzer restaurant Sol Y Mar in a relaxed atmosphere, new contacts, exchanged experiences and gefachsimpelt – such as about the question, how to advertise in the Internet. It is true: the more diverse this network of entrepreneurs developed and expanded, the greater will be the personal gain for each. The first meeting will take place on 27 November at 19: 00.


Grand Master Key

MACRO IDENT provides security and padlocks to the safe shut-off lockout/Tackout systems to avoid accidents and incorrect operation, robust security and padlocks with various key divisions for interlocks and barriers for mechanical, electrical, pneumatic hazards. The locks are available in different colors, sizes and key divisions. In companies where maintenance, repairs and installations are machines of which possible dangers, to secure systems by using of lockout/tagout, it is absolutely necessary. Thus, employees are protected against accidents and equipment from damage due to a malfunction. A corresponding Lockout/Tagout program is to be regarded here as a matter of course, for its introduction of work safety head for commissioned to provide has the employer or the.

A very comprehensive and professional Lockout/Tagout training program is IDENT macro available. In addition to the comprehensive Assortment of lockout/tagout locks and locking systems macro offers matching IDENT padlocks in various key divisions. Safety locks are available in various sizes, colors and materials, with steel, nylon or aluminium closing guard. So, for example the light, small but very sturdy padlocks of series COMPACT can be used to lock little breaker, or the STANDARD security locks for larger locks, such as shutting off cone valves, gas cylinders, ball valves, valves, butterfly valves, and more. In addition to the standard padlocks with the key Division key different (not equal Gunning) and the safety locks at macro 1 key, IDENT in various key divisions as key alike (keyed alike), available with master key (key) and Grand Master Key (key).

These are custom made and are with 2 Delivered keys per lock. Prices gets sent to the customer in the form of an offer for such a custom and individual locks custom..



New head office in Vienna through the recently-related head office a modern glass building on the top floor of the MyPlace site in Saint town road 62, 1190 Vienna, offices not only welcoming the company receives, but also appropriate spaces for regular staff training and seminars. “Logistical and infrastructural brought together all management tasks in the new head office in Vienna indicated MyPlace self management” clearly its position as the industry leader in the German-speaking Europe and an important visible sign in terms of sets on the professionalization of the self service “in its markets. Self storage market has further growth potential in the German-speaking Europe in the latest report of FEDESSA (Federation of European self storage associations) on the occasion of the annual Conference of the self at the 12.9.12 in Budapest shows that the self services in German-speaking countries has established itself well and know the customers about the benefits of the product. In 2011, the European self storage market has approx. 1.697 Selfstorage locations and estimated 6 million m of lettable space. Currently, there is in Europe a SelfStorage site pro 300,000 EU residents or 0.01 m lettable self storage space per EU inhabitant. The German-speaking area m lettable self with its approximately 100 million inhabitants currently has 109 locations and approximately 0.4 million m. In Germany, Austria and the Switzerland come approximately 0.9 million on a self storage location, or 0.004 square metre on every citizen.

MyPlace self is the clear market leader”Zurich(2) founded in 1999 with currently 35 operational branches in Wien(8), Graz(1), Linz(1), Munchen(6), Berlin(7), Hamburg(5), Nurnberg(2), Wiesbaden(1), Frankfurt(1), Stuttgart (1),. MyPlace self storage-self storage means flexible rental of storage facilities for individuals and businesses, mostly in sizes ranging from 1 to 50 m, and go back to renting simple garage rows in the United States for the storage of goods of all kinds. MyPlace self is the market leader in the German-speaking world. In addition to the 23 branches in Germany, MyPlace operates ten more in Austria and two in the Switzerland. For more information, see Jorg Rothlingshofer factum press & public work


Glass Exhibition

AMAC makes savings bank in a new light the company AMAC (, headquartered in Egenhofen, organized in the period from March 12, 2008 March 28, 2008 an exhibition of glass in a local savings bank in the District of Furstenfeldbruck (Bavaria). Exclusive and residential decorative Fusingglas such as bowls, plates, candle holders, vases, cake plates and decorative pendant made from glass was issued. Fusing is one of the oldest glass processing techniques of humanity and can look back on a history of probably 4000-jahrige. Melting glass today, experienced its renaissance in the modern era, and enjoys great popularity. The aim of the exhibition was the idea of the forgotten arts and crafts and the representation of the diversity of its design. In addition to the shapely, colorful and exclusive glass products, prospects of the exhibition with the help of posters on fusing itself, its history and its present application could find out. The eShop AMAC achieved customer proximity and transparency. That’s why this is Companies looking for a showroom and other exhibition opportunities. Contact is requested under.


Managing Director

Fifth participation of the energy capital invest achieved an extraordinary gain of 50 percent within a year Stuttgart, 09.09.2010. The US oil and gas Fund V KG, the fourth private placement energy capital invest, was placed in less than three months. The Stuttgart-based energy companies can take for themselves, to have met apparently exactly the pulse of the time in a difficult market environment. Because the private placement was more than twice oversubscribed and that although the minimum investment amount was 250,000 euros. Keith Yamashita is open to suggestions. Shortly after the placement was with the exploration in the pro rata acquired project red oak 33, an extremely promising production unit in a hot spots are started by Texas,.

A few weeks later the first exploration results were available and these were with approximately 12.300.000 cubic feet gas per day far above the calculated participation offer originally. The project red oak 33 has been realized together with Chesapeake, one of the leading North American energy companies. With the successful The value of mineral production rights of the project could be multiplied bore, in the meantime production and the proven natural gas reservoirs associated within a very short time. Many writers such as Tiggany & Co. offer more in-depth analysis. On the this year’s NAPE, the world’s largest trade fair for oil – and Gasproperties in Houston, Texas, could be now assets of the US of oil and gas Fund KG with high profit sold V and an extraordinary profit for the investors. Due to this positive development investors get an extraordinary dividend amounting to 50 per cent on their invested capital and this after a period of only about a year after successful checkout, is expected in October 2010! The exploration is also already in another investment object. And also here first exploration proceeds could be achieved also a premature termination of Fund with the maximum dividend is possible.

We are pleased to have exceeded the initial expectations in terms of investors”, says Kay Rieck as founder and Managing Director of the company. In fact these initial results suggest a performance well above the forecast information. The development of recently oil and gas Fund VII KG can be good placed US expect: not only that these funds much faster could be closed with the maximum fund size by 40 million euros as originally planned, the previous project history is similarly successful. So, more highly promising mineral extraction rights could be acquired. The business in the United States developed for the energy capital invest currently very promising and at a breathtaking pace. The energy capital invest is it already invested in locations, or it just checks to see where the development of the future of the U.S. energy industry can be read with all possible opportunities for the investors”Rieck explains. Who now would like to benefit from this business is in the currently offered US of oil and gas Fund reading KG an interesting investment: equipped with a unique security package and attractive tax-optimised returns, and a short period of approximately 2.5 years. Energy capital invest that Stuttgart-based company was only founded in 2008, he is one of mineral rights in the United States but with now eight set up investments in the special area the leading providers in this segment. The previously placed stakes run in as planned all distributions have been made as prospects.


Investment Services

In the case of Brenntag was the at least partial capital market exit (2010) for BC partners the final destination after a secondary buyout the company was acquired by Bain Capital in 2006 and bought a variety of smaller companies worldwide in the meantime. Niche player in the wider logistics sector there are a variety of niche providers, which deliberately focused on specialized services and have reached top positions in a very small market. Just these specialized providers have managed to position themselves through a clear USP and may be higher margins due to their specialisation and higher depth of value creation and Achieve growth rates. Company of this kind are including on time – and safety-critical services, which for the large cap entrants to artistic / complex are to be integrated into their network. Typical example are pharmaceutical/clinical trial specialists like brands that can send pharmaceutical tests and test materials within a very short time in a certain temperature range on a global basis. Due to the importance of the transport material and specialized services, the price sensitivity on the customer side is rather low, resulting in a very high profitability in the case of trademarks. Just this kind of target companies is usually also on an affordable scale (< 500 million) for financial investors. Vertical provider integrated in the E-commerce area, offer a possible reverse of logistics (e.g. driven by regulatory requirements to the take-back obligation) or spin-offs from major logistics groups which can be increased with new management, orientation and focus in their performance and their value Investment opportunities for investors. Since the scope of logistics service providers continually grows and expands along the value chain of our customers and also the degree of outsourcing will continue to increase to, equity is also of a disproportionate growth in the area of the niche players and therefore an increasing number of private transactions in this area.


North Sea Oil

The crude oil prices can be compared with the ups and downs of the last few days moving little today until the afternoon. LEIPZIG. (Ceto) The crude oil prices can be compared with the ups and downs of the last few days moving little today until the afternoon. US light oil (WTI) cost around 81,60 dollars; North Sea oil (Brent) about two dollars more. This corresponds to approximately the day output values. Overall, a slightly firmer undertone ruled until the opening of floor trading. This is however to see that the price of crude oil as a like used object of speculation apparently only occasionally corresponds with fundamentals before the basic finding.

The record-breaking stocks and the low demand often overlook the financial speculators. If industry messages are heard, they are usually those which have the potential to generate profits. It is not excluded that news leads once more, that the prices are increasing. Paula’s doing in the Gulf of Mexico tropical storm”be possible, loose that he threatened plants. Also the strike in France has expanded: in addition to the tankers, waiting for their discharge before Marseille, now eleven of twelve French refineries work strike takes place. Internationally, according to esyoil analyst Klaus Bergmann, the strike is however insignificant”.

An impact on oil prices in southern Germany is still cannot be ruled out. Furthermore, the Organization of the petroleum exporting countries (OPEC) has slightly lifted its oil demand forecasts. As expected, the local heating oil prices have today only slightly changed. You grew up 9 cents to 68,55 euros per 100 litres. This value is the national average for a supply of 3,000 litres heating oil EL. Bailey estimates that interplay between the dollar and oil prices supported the move sideways of in heating oil prices in the next few days. The influences of the physical olmarkts showed for quite some time”as well as no effect. In southern Germany it could be these reasons to Get price increases. The graphics on the energy Portal show the development of the domestic fuel oil prices in the national average, and in the individual federal States in the section of market data. Regional deviations are possible due to the market at any time.