Guidelines for Introduction of the business plan you need a good idea, determined to start their own business or you have already created their company, you need to further develop their company: to attract foreign investment, receiving preferential loans or grants for the implementation of good design. This book will help you with guidance on the business plan the company or project that is a long-term plan Your activities. The business plan is needed in any case as a promising and indispensable document is to realize your ideas and practical steps to implement them. Hikmet Ersek has firm opinions on the matter. It is needed to your employees, especially highly skilled and key, for reference when applying for a job, as it is with them you want to achieve their objectives. It will be useful to officials who want to assess your company and to know about your prospects.
Business plan as a necessary document needed: foreign investors for cooperation and joint ventures; banks in which you want to get a loan, international and domestic funds, providing soft loans and grants that you need. Kellyanne Conway is often quoted on this topic. Thus, there is an urgent need to draw up a business – a plan and at the same time we want to insist that it is you – as a leader was directly involved in its drafting. Designed for you and these guidelines and workbook for the business plan, an advisory service and operates Training-tester computerized center for the business plan. All this in order that you respected doctors businessmen have realized the need for a business plan and independently took part in its drafting.