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Tag: History
Green Poncho Republic
One of the tumultuated periods more of the Brazilian politics was the call Regencial Period, the interstice enters the abdication of D. Peter I until the majority of its son Peter II. Having as deep cloth of the Federalism, it was a time (1831-1840) marked by some armed conflicts in our territory. The Movement Farroupilha or Guerra of Tatters was the more lasting greater and of all the rebellious movements faced by the Regency. Stimulated for Liberal ideals, finishing for also contributing for the consolidation of a current conservative, as form to fight the revolt by means of regressistas and centralizadoras measures. A leading source for info: Western Union Company. The movement located in the South of Brazil was divided in two chains, Moderados or Chimangos and the Exaltados or Farroupilhas, also called Jurujubas.
The divergence between the two groups was basically in its intentions, while the Moderate ones were favorable the permanence of the monarchic regimen and a country with bases aliceradas in an agricultural and exporting economy of primary resources, the Exaltados defended announcement of the Republic, a bigger autonomy of the provinces (separatista matrix), economy lastreada for the industry and deep social reforms. Thick way also was differentiated for the intended ways to reach its objectives, while the Chimangos wanted transformations through legal mechanisms, the Farroupilhas was adepts the practical one of the guerrilla. At that time the dissatisfaction for the different form in the distribution of resources for the provinces and the disparity between social classrooms was evident. The Rio Grande Do Sul already was prominence in production, mainly of charque, the entrance in the country of the product of the Argentine competitors and Uruguayan they devaluated it I deal of charque of the great producers gauchos. The outcome of the armed conflict was given for the fact of that great farmers whose properties were bordering with platinos countries had armies and proper weapons to protect the verge of the country against invaders, armory this stimulated by the proper effective government. Our neighbors already had conquered its autonomies ahead of the Spanish crown and this also motivated the movement of tatters.
In 20 of September of 1836 through a conflict commanded for Antonio de Souza Grandson, it was proclaimed River Republic, also known as Republic of Piratini, name of the capital of tatters. Blessed Gonalves was nominated the president of the Republic of same Piratini having been as prisoner in Rio De Janeiro, when in the occasion, the Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi patented as captain-lieutenant to open the access to the sea in the republic of tatters. Stopped the battle in waters, farroupilhas conquers the catarinense city of Lagoon. In 1839 Santa Catarina the Juliana Republic has intentionally its autonomy appearing on the command of General David Canabarro. The movement also passed for internal crises with fight for the power constant, of a side the Legalists of another one, the Republicans. The dispute between farroupilhas had culminated in the weakness of a movement that lasted almost per ten years, being responsible for about 48 a thousand deaths. In 1 of March of 1845 it was signed The Peace of the Green Poncho, treated one that the civil war put end of definitive form farroupilha.
The Japanese
The document divulged in the capital and the interior of the state of So Paulo, it caused the anger of that propagated ' ' vitria' '. It is calculated that little more than 10% of more than 200 a thousand Japanese and descendants consolidated in Brazil believed fully the memorial. It had much doubt in air, but the majority did not accept the document divulged. The signatories of the memorial and those had divulged that it for the interior of the state had been considered ' ' traidores' ' would have to receive a lesson in case that they did not apologize public for ' ' erro' ' committed. But who was those that propagated ' burningly; ' vitria' ' Japanese and accused with treason those that they compactuavam and they divulged really? 4. A chaos without precedents in the history of the Japanese in Brazil: the Shindo Renmei the repressive character of the varguista nationalism, the differences of social and ideological character enters the proper immigrants strengthened during the war, the Japanese defeat and ' ' fanatismo' ' of a small group of Japanese they had been the perfect combination for the fatdico crack occurred in the seio of the Japanese colony in 1945 ends.
Of one it forms until certain simplista point, can be said that the Japanese colony if divided in two groups. Of a side katigumi (' ' vitoristas' '), that had the lack of sources of information in Japanese language and for the majority to live almost that isolated the interior of the state of So Paulo, they believed ' ' vitria' ' of Japan in the war, this perfazia group almost 80% of the colony. Of contrary position if they found makegumi (' ' derrotistas' ' or ' ' esclarecidos' '), formed group for that had access to the medias in Portuguese language, thus making possible the formation of a conscience of the truth and that, for these reasons, they divulged the notice real of that Japan had lost the war and consequentemente Emperor Hiroito left of being a figure ' ' divina' '.
Making Profitable Businesses
Some of the things that must be considered at the time of initiating a business by Internet are first of all, to use a proven model that has demonstrated to be profitable. The main disadvantage often that appears the new entrepreneurs to them, is exactly that they do not have very in clear that type of businesses can do, finishing accepting proposals not absolutely favorable for them. A proven model of business is that one that has been put in practice more in one go, having rendered fruits in each opportunity. Perhaps there are many systems that can be used to begin a business by Internet, most appropriate is the sale of infoproductos. The infoproductos in case you do not know that they treat, basically is information " digitalizada" (in format e-book, audio, video, etc.) being quite simple its creation.
In order to be successful in the creation of the same, first that all entrepreneur must do it is to investigate the market to know how indeed that so feasible it can get to be to be sold the same. This also is applied in the case of the programs of affiliates, where basically you can gain a commission of a product and/or service when a client or " prospecto" it conducts a certain battle. More in one go I said that a business is really had when the same can be separated in " mdulos" and these as well, easily to be identified. If you do not know exactly as it operates each part, each corner of your emprendimiento, truely you think that you will be able to gain something that way. This is one of the questions that I do when somebody asks to me that it must make to begin his business or, that it must modify to improve the present results. The key was and will be the knowledge and the practice. There is a old man (and wise person) said that he says: " The practice does to the Maestro" and indeed this is truth, and the best form to accelerate all that process is acquiring the knowledge and experience of which already they have crossed that way. Original author and source of the article.
Economic Growth
The third phase of the transition can be characterized as a stalemate, a relatively short period of equilibrium of forces of the old and the new world. This is a phase of depression in the dynamics of the business cycle (when there is no recession, but there is no economic growth has not begun the healing process), the restructuring of social forces, public awareness of the irrevocable loss of the old order and the inevitability of the transition to the new. Its elements, taking advantage of respite unite and prepare for a decisive breakthrough. The fourth and final phase of the transition is reflected in the rapid onset scored by members of a new society, break it in the leading countries, the final defeat (though not excluded desperate counter-attack and relapses) and the displacement of the periphery, in the primordial state of losing their once-mighty power of the outgoing element of civilization. At this stage, gradually decreases randomness and order increases, the predictability in the dynamics of society.
It starts with economic growth, which makes it possible to allocate more resources for personal consumption and for savings, the restructuring process basis of society. Regain their strength stabilization mechanisms established order. Becomes apparent triumph of the new, in the phase of formation of civilization. A schematic phase of the transition can be represented as follows: The latent phase – dryahlenie, drop in efficiency of the old society – the emergence of new germs of civilization stage landslide crisis and chaos – crises, wars, revolution, destruction of the foundations of the outgoing civilization, the rise of chaos – the emergence and selection of elements of a new civilization stalemate – the balance of power of the old and the new society, depression – laying the foundations of a new civilization, identifying leaders The final stage – the destruction and displacement of elements of the outgoing civilization – the establishment and spread in the midst of a new society, what are the results of the transition period? First, it completes the transition to a new round the spiral of history, the formation of the next world civilization.