
New Furniture

Start of year always we have plans and wills of changes, one of the most desired is the change of the furniture of the house or a reform. The two cases finish generating upheavals for its proper reasons and we see in them without exit on what making with the old furniture or as to protect the furniture of the accumulated dirt of the reform. In the case of the reforms, generally we cover everything with plastics and cloths, but it can happen of them to escape and the dust obtains to pass under this protection, in the end, has that to send all the furniture for a laudering that costs expensive and still generates more work for having that to be a bigger time without being able to use to advantage cmodo remodelled. More info: Western Union. With the new furniture it is a little more complicated, we do not know what to make with the old ones. We look people who want purchase them to help to pay the news, but many times this process is delayed and we do not have where places them.

It finishes that we look a freight that leads even so and we do not know, the least, where they will go to stop. It happens that many times we change of furniture and exactly thus the old ones have a special place we do not want undoing in them of them, what it still becomes the situation most difficult. For all these problems, a good solution is keeps them in a guard all SP while the reform does not finish or it does not obtain to vender the old furniture. A guard all SP is offered by companies who possess box to rent. In it you can place what to want for the time that to need. The sizes are varied and you it rents what better if it adjusts what you to need to store. The advantage of this type of offered service is that boxes is individual, possesss monitoramento of security 24 hours and the owner only has access the rented dependences. With a guard all SP you can make what to desire without haste and to protect its furniture of possible estragos for the reforms.


North American

This theory had its defending greaters in Woods (1913), Bernard (1926), Bird (1940), and Stogdill (1948), being more recently reopened for Bennis (1989) and Kirkpatric and Locke (1991). The Theory of the Traces examines common aspects shown by great leaders it synthecizes and them in categories of traces by means of which the true leaders can be identified. According to Stogdill (1948), the traces more comumente on to the leadership concept would be: (1) intelligence, (2) attention, (3) responsibility, (4) initiative, (5) persistence, (6) autoconfiana and (7) sociability. In 1959, Mann lead similar studies to the ones of Stogdill, and elaborated its proper list, that inclua intelligence, masculinidade, adjustment, dominncia, extroverso, and conservadorismo. Its studies would be confirmed in 1986 for Lord and others, that had investigated the characteristics of leaders which the led ones react more strong. Its list detached intelligence, masculinidade and dominncia as the traces most important of leaders.

In as a study, dated of 1974, Stogdill perfected leadership traces, suggesting then the following characteristics as typical of the true leaders: (1) impulse to lead; (2) vigor and persistence in reaching goals; (3) empreendedorismo and originalidade in the resolution of problems; (4) initiative in social situations; (5) autoconfiana and sense of personal identity; (6) disposal to accept the consequncias of its decisions and action; (7) easiness to absorb estresse interpersonal; (8) disposal to tolerate frustrations and delays; (9) ability to influence the behavior of other people; (10) capacity to structuralize systems of social interaction that serve the desired objectives. Kouzes and Posner (1987) had identified four main traces of leaders after to ask the 7,500 North American administrators what they more admired in its leaders: honesty (chosen for 87% of the respondents); ability (74% of the respondents); visionary (67%); inspired (61%). In 1989, after to observe 90 administrators, Bennis (1989) identified four abilities of those most succeeded: (1) focus administration? a combination of vision and personal commitment that attracts and inspires the other people of a team; (2) administration of meaning? a bonanza capacity of communication capable to line up the people around its objectives; (3) reliable administration? with a good central intention, good administrators gain the confidence of its subordinate; (4) personal administration? ability to learn with its proper errors and to nourish its personal talentos, rejecting the imperfection idea, but yes accepting errors as learning chances.


English Company

In classroom when I say these words normally bring a certain discomfort for the pupils, what it would be normal, a time that I would be approaching a subject that is part of the day – day of the people. Then, who would be prepared to be unemployment in the current days, will be that in a good job would be enough to them that everything would be guaranteed until our retirement? When we are with that job, with that wage among others benefits that the company can offer to everything this would be guarantee? Who would have to invest in the career of the professional the Company or the proper employee? A time I asked in classroom if somebody was attending a course other courses that could help them in its job, as a course of management of projects, financial management, or knowing a new platform that improved the tasks of the company even though, assisting the people in a good attendance to the customer or improving a product. In a group of 50 pupils, only one 10 pupils had raised the hands. The times a course of English can relieve it a good position in the exterior. Already it stopped to always think that nor employee who has more time in the company is most qualified This is a very important tip, because, in the awaken one for the new market of work, that dumb the time all. Then you if prepared to be dismissed? He thinks about this Tip: She never waits of the company as if she waits of a father or a mother, if its wage can defray a course, then it makes, people go and companies are. Until briefing! I am Rogrio Marques, I visit mine blog- Twitter RogerioMarques9