
Source Ideas

On the one hand, you can focus to an aspect that to You interests to him or knows. He can be about knowledge acquired through the experience, of reflections of the thought or fruit of conversations with other people. Having a personal newspaper, can be a valuable aid for such aim. If by opposite, You are going to develop a subject on which she has little information, is necessary to realise previous investigation to have basic ideas that they will help to develop the content him. For this, he literally transcribes the most important passages of a text, takes notes from his own impressions and ideas and finally he copies the data of the source of the consulted information that soon he will use to mention in his own text. A notebook of notes would be a good ally if it is going to realise previous investigation. (We are preparing an article on the correct form to mention a source, which we will publish in a new delivery).

Selected the subject already, we enter matter and we see some useful techniques of pre-script. Before nothing, is necessary to indicate that not yet we are going away to focus in the content, we will realise which it more ahead. What it interests to us now is to know how we can obtain valuable ideas to develop a specific subject. Technique 1. Rain of ideas. It consists of writing down the ideas and details that come to us to the mind, after to do questions to us on the subject that we are going to try. These questions include the following: What? , When? , Because? , How? , Where? and Who.

Technique 2. Diagramar the ideas. It consists of relating the ideas that come from the previous technique, with others. For this, we can use circles, lines, colors or simply write down in another sheet of paper the groups of ideas that are related to each other, separately.


Through Education

Through the bibliographical research it was intended to explicitar and to construct to hypotheses concerning the reading and writing, improving the ideas, basing the subject on boarded question in the research. For in such a way, this type of research involved a bibliographical survey, which had of being made in diverse sources, searching to consult respectable and brought up to date workmanships. Also of the qualitative research by means of the comment in three agricultural schools of the municipal net of education. The subject in question is particularly motivador a time that, being involved in the work of the reading and writing of the education in the field in multisseriadas classrooms, exerting the position of professor in one of the schools of the municipal net of education of Manoel Vitorino-BA, I feel myself engaged, not only with the improvement of the quality of education, but also with the improvement of the attendance of the children of the education in the field, but in more good searching understanding of the process of the infantile development and its relation with the world making readings and interpreting the different vises of world and the universe of the studied texts. Through the research on reading and writing, I observed that until little time she was given to importance only reading and writing, but today is understood that the reading of the world precedes the reading of the word, therefore by means of the accomplishment of studies that had been developed by famous theoreticians in this field are understood that the act to read all the information to the life in society is necessary and passed to be valued as something essential to the development and formation of the autonomy of human being. The studies detached the importance of the reading and the writing for the integral development and formation of the identity of the man in society.