A mobilized community of Puerto Aysen received Thursday afternoon Austral energy executives that, in the framework of the process of evaluation of the EIA of the Cuervo River central citizen participation, presented the main aspects that, in his opinion, should know the citizenship. During the exhibition, which was convened by the national environment Commission, a group of young people with banners and paintings that praying Patagonia without dams, No more destructive projects and by a Chile remained stationed in one of the wings of the Auditorium of the governorate of Aysen without + dams, as well as some allusions to their main drivers. On occasion there were various questions to the project by those present, to the Coordinator of coalition citizen Aysen Reserva de life, Peter Hartmann, who attended the activity, which is a sample that citizenship of Aysen do not purchase these projects so as well, as they have tried to understand the companies, through ofertones and prebends of all kinds. Added the leader that participants made him see the company incomplete of its study, which did not include project components or evaluated them, all of which is crucial to the affected community. This includes camp, road in el Tabo River, the passage of vehicles, the equipment needed in Puerto Aysen and Puerto Chacabuco, the traffic in the fjord, Spa in Bay steep loss. She concluded that while the Manager offered 12 MW of cheap energy, has made him see the demagogic and inconsistent in this best offer, since they say that line is another project, so it would not be as fulfilling this commitment..
Month: August 2018
Make the measurable the energy of your employees! Companies are successful, if employees go. Their energy is a crucial factor. But it depends on emotions, and which are difficult to access. The operator has only limited possibilities to affect the emotions of its employees. The innovation in the consulting area but now offers a reliable tool to take advantage of the emotions of the people. Entrepreneurial success consists of only a small part of rational factors: the figures, the site, the competition, the product and the economy can be controlling tools analyze, evaluate and change. A large part of the success however depends on emotional factors: how FEELS the employees in the company? He is working like there and he really stands behind the product? Can he get involved personally for the company or he perceives himself at the end as a small and unimportant cogs in the machinery of the company? These are questions, which today is every entrepreneur should be interested in. Because the crucial factor, meanwhile so-called soft facts of employees, measurable so hard and difficult to influencing facts of each company.”says the Managing Director of simplylive consulting, which specializes in emotional management consultancy.
Entrepreneurs agree: the best employees is an energetic, inherently motivated employees! This is the focus, be motivated and enabled to shoulder the tasks and cope with, you want to identify with the company and ideally likes to appear to work. Then vote product and services, and hence sales and sales figures. But how can the entrepreneur induce an employee as an ideal, if he can inform themselves usually hardly and inadequate on such soft facts? How can he get access to the emotion of its employees? The challenge has moved us, to create a tool that makes measurable emotional soft facts of employees.”Ulrich says Barba, Managing Director of simplylive consulting. In fact succeeded to develop such a tool that makes this hard measurable units of analysis and covers as employees energy: the simplylive energytool.
Energy Thoughts
Battling "p ensamientos negative, will it be a matter of energy? Many philosophical schools or systems of self-help warn about the benefits of maintaining luminous thoughts and observe the regulated thought advise avoiding as much as possible the entry of negative thoughts. They teach postures, prayers, ways of breathing, routines and different techniques in order to generate a spirit of optimism or simply to drive away those negative thoughts especially those versed in the complaint, blame the outside, fear, hopelessness, loss of faith The (auto)-reproach, the (self-) criticism, hatred, mistrust, etc.. The techniques for planning life, to organize time, and decision strategies are not out of this scheme. Each in its own way tries to explain that one should look for light thoughts, strive to avoid stopping on negative thoughts or external stimuli that are destabilizing. The recommendation can not save best intentions. However, people do not, if they do they can not sustain this habit for long. So many are tortured, are required, they feel failure, perceive themselves in some way inferior, and leave overwhelmed with sadness or cynicism primarily to discover the amazing ability to engage the mind with negative material and begin to trigger it. Experience confirms that proposed just remove negative thoughts and keep positive thoughts is not enough, is not easy to achieve and sustain without going crazy or depressed by so much effort. Regular battling the mind or she is not the path, the path is to know to operate on it intelligently, neither foolish nor omnipotent.
Manager Organization
Given the capacity of leaders exemplify attitudes and behaviors to their computers, the development of these capabilities can lead to a general improvement in the psychological capital of the entire organization. Finally referred us, an especially important aspect of psychological capital is that it points to higher levels of personal well-being, what undoubtedly translates into higher rates of job satisfaction and more satisfactory environments for employees taken into account comments Simon, that psychological capital, as its name suggests, pointing to factors that are unique to the person, and that in a context of crisis help you overcome moments complicated in a more satisfactory manner. Anyway, I have already commented that the psychological capital is developable, and this means that the organization can do that people look at situations of crisis with higher doses of optimism, or with more flexible attitudes and realistic resistance, frustration and depression. In this line, The Gallup Organization has developed his practice based on strengths (strength-based practice) and being implemented with success in enterprises. They basically provide evidence about the importance of building the organization based on the strengths of its employees, rather than attempting to fix mismatches between their profiles and what demands the organization. This change of focus can have important implications for management in enterprises, and has application to situations that we live on a daily basis, as the decisions of profiles promoting technically very bright but poorly motivated to tasks that you must perform a Manager. As a result away to the employee of their strengths and addresses him work that feels uncomfortable and little competent, which affects their work in teams and in the working environment in general. Very interesting when indicated, that it is very likely that the concept of capital psychological replace emotional intelligence as a tool for development of managers and employees, since it covers the double objective of generating better results, and what is increasingly important, creating healthier work environments..
Birgit Wielonek LAS GmbH
This is why the Managing Director of the new works Bitterfelder housing and construction company mbH (Neubi) in matters relating to energy management with payroll professionals, the LAS GmbH in Leipzig, together… When it comes to energy, economic action for Birgit Wielonek is a priority. This is why the Managing Director of the new works Bitterfelder housing and construction company mbH (Neubi) in matters relating to energy management with payroll professionals, the LAS GmbH in Leipzig, together. We quickly realized that we need to find an efficient and above all sustainable answer to the ever-rising energy prices “, recalls Birgit Wielonek and added: it was not so easy, because the stock of Neubi comprises approximately 3,500 apartments in different buildings with a variety of heating systems.” From the single pipe heating system via district heating up to modern spas, everything is represented here. Additional information at Jeff Gennette supports this article. “the energy efficiency offensive in the Neubi as a pilot project started in 2008, and in October, high-tech devices have been through in the first houses and apartments LAS GmbH built. Testing and continuous monitoring of the heating systems form the requirement of an innovative energy management system, which captures the consumption levels and evaluated and then optimizes the overall system. Because who wants to reduce energy consumption, need to know where and when he emerges “, stresses Birgit Wielonek with views on the results of the first energy report of LAS GmbH.
There are already documented successes. Substantial savings were achieved by implementing the first read recommendations for the optimization of the heating system. The energy savings will increase by the upcoming summer circuit. “That appreciates Birgit Wielonek LAS GmbH in cooperation with the Special: with the LAS solutions we have a competent partner who understands us and assisted, to implement a high benefit to our tenants”. And this is currently done by introducing the read customer portal. The tenant can here their current energy consumption for heating and water continuously track and so you Optimize consumption behavior. Establishing an Internet lounge in the rooms of the Neubi enables access to this offer also tenants without own computer.
Taking into account our heterogeneous tenant structure, it is only logical to allow the opportunity for the individual energy saving also our elderly tenants or our tenants with less income “, emphasizes Birgit Wielonek. In addition, Neubi support and read them GmbH together a social project of the Club MitNahe e.V., which allows these people specifically to acquire computer skills and to expand. When it comes to economic efficiency the energy efficiency offensive in the Neubi through the cooperation with the LAS has progressed GmbH already a first big step. More will follow. Alexandra Wang
Energy Forum Heating
Modern infrared heaters create pleasant radiant heat at low cost. Consumers should be aware of proven quality. Frankfurt, January 11, 2012 – heating with electricity has the reputation to be harmful to the environment and expensive. For old night storage heaters this certainly applies to, as well as for “powerful” cheap heaters, as they are often offered in hardware stores or online stores. However, modern infra-red heaters providing a meaningful and affordable heating of apartments, houses and commercial spaces with power are unknown to many consumers. On this, the online portal Energy Forum enlighten Hesse in a current special. Modern infrared heaters can be a viable alternative to other heating systems such as condensing boilers (oil, gas), solid fuel heaters (E.g.
pellet heating) or heat pump in many cases. This applies both in financial and ecological resources. In addition individual infrared heaters also as additional heating, E.g. for underutilized spaces are suitable or Holiday homes. An infrared surface heating is very easily installed, on many models, they be put simply just plugged into the wall. Just when replacing an outdated heating system the cost and installation costs are “classic heating systems” such as gas central heating or oil central heating by infrared heaters substantially lower than the installation. Of course, the cost advantage in old buildings, which were previously heated with electric after storage heater and where therefore a piping for a heating water circuit is missing is particularly high.
Another advantage is the lack of ongoing maintenance costs for regular inspections or the delicate stone sweeper. Last but not least infrared heating elements provide a very pleasant for the body heat of radiation, comparable with the warmth of the Sun. For many people with allergies and asthma this is kinder than the convection heat of traditional radiators. Modern infrared heaters in their efficiency significantly exceeded the old post storage heaters.
Total Quality
13). In a context of economic situation in contraction, in the decades of 70 and 80, the Quality control was sufficiently used especially for the automobile industries. However its time of duration was short due to inflexibilidade and authoritarianism of the management. In middle of years 80, with the retaken one of the economic growth and with the expansion of new technologies, was started to apply it the program of Total Quality in the international molds. In the start of the decade of 90, it was created the Brazilian Program of Quality and Productivity? PBQP, confirming a propagation of a new model of management based on the quality in substitution to the managemental and authoritarian model, with objective to acquire competitiveness to the Brazilian economy in the international market. Ahead of the two above explanados moments, Druck (1999, p.103) detaches a more necessary formularization of the situation: ' ' The third and more recent period of propagation of the Japanese model, starts in years 90, inaugurating the decade of the quality. For all the sectors of goods and services, have a true campaign so that the managemental cultures are substituted by the one for a culture of the quality.
' ' In such a way, to divulge this culture of quality, the companies had started to develop mechanisms of internal communication, using itself especially of the written press to promote workshops, fruns, courses that dealt with the new model and management of Total Quality. This was a moment of changes economic politics and in Brazil, with the end of the military dictatorship and the magnifying of the contact with the external market. Therefore, for the government, the quality programs possuam narrow relation with the speech of the necessity of if modernizing the country, for inseriz it in a new world-wide order, redefined for the globalization (DRUCK, 1999). Until the year of 2004, Brazil with 10,000 inlaid ISO 9000 and more than 1,000 in the ISO 14000 (system of ambient management) and with production of material were more than certifyd and mainly human resources of world-wide standard in the quality area, being that it had many credential Brazilian auditors for international organisms (BUENO, 2004).
Ecommerce Marketing
E-commerce. The advantages of today can be safely called the motto of this phrase as 'electronic commerce'. Of course, the trade has not disappeared over the world such as catalogs or Otto Quelle, but they have started strongly Internet crowd. So what is it that such sale on the Internet? If we take the simplest example, it's pretty easy to explain. Unwound his firm makes a good web site (online store). The whole site consists of product catalog, which promotes and sells the company.
The buyer is looking description, photo, price, if it is satisfied with everything, it goes to a special order page. Payment option is likely to be tough defined by this firm, but sometimes offer a choice. Do you do prepay, pay bills, cash on delivery, all this would be up to you. This trading method can be called 'electronic' because the choice and search for the appropriate product is directly on the Internet. This is a very convenient and a great way to purchase. There are also other, more complex patterns of commercial operations in Internet, which are characterized into one name: e-commerce.
Trade in goods came really a long time. But the development does not stand still, every day service and service improves. Each seller seeks to bring its product to a potential buyer to make a choice and purchase of goods is much easier and faster. Over the past century there was a real boom. During this short period have a huge supermarkets, shops, self-catering, trade through catalogs, sale of goods by telephone and much more. It is selling goods over the phone a broker such an idea as creating an online store. Now, for Unfortunately, it is impossible to say who first suggested this idea, as business creation in the global network, but it's safe to say that such a great idea came to mind as the big businessmen and consumers (Buyers). You can ask the question: "What are the benefits of purchasing goods in online shops?" The first and most important advantage – is that a store is open 24 hours a day, without lunch breaks and weekend. The second – the goods supplied by the store, can just see a lot of people. It is also essential that maintain an online store is not too difficult. You just have to add a product, which you intend to sell, as well as, where appropriate, be consulted. Overhead in this store is much smaller than ordinary stores and from companies that sell their products through catalogs. Third, is that goods that are represented in the online catalog can buy anyone, from any city. Even the possible sale to another country, and this happens quite often, as in one country for this article may seem commonplace, everyday, and in another exotic. Fourth, the fact that the initial investment in a store will also be small, especially considering the fact that now you can buy ready-made platform for sales and order to develop trading platform from scratch with programmers. Source: E-Commerce Tools
With the ability to frame structures prevent the propagation of heat through them in a house in the cold and hot seasons remain comfortable thermal conditions. The ability of the enclosing structure to resist heat flow from inside out, is characterized by resistance to heat R0 R0 = 1 / v + Rk + 1 / n, where v – heat transfer coefficient inside surface of the fence (in most cases is assumed to be 8.7 W/m2 C) n – coefficient of heat the outer surface of fencing (in most cases is assumed to be 23 W/m2 C) Rk – thermal resistance construction, which depends on the material thickness () and its thermal conductivity (). This dependence is expressed by the relation: Rk = / m2 * C / W here is expressed in meters, and – a (W / m C) thermal conductivity is a characteristic of insulating material itself, while Rk characterizes insulating properties of the structure of certain thickness. Enclosing structures, usually composed of several materials of different thicknesses. In this case, the resulting thermal resistance is equal to the sum of thermal resistance of individual layers. The required thermal resistance R0 of enclosing parts determined by the conditions energy efficiency and in accordance with the requirements of snip ii *- 3-79 Building Heat Engineering" in the 1998 version for various regions of Russia, depending on their climatic conditions. For example, reduced resistance heat transfer of the exterior walls of the conditions of saving for Moscow and Moscow region is 3.2 m 2 * C / watt. .
Ultimate Consequences
How easy it is to say it, but that difficult to put into practice to its ultimate consequences. I am not referring to go to work every day, attend class or take care of children as best as possible. These activities although they may require more or less effort, fall within what we consider that we must do. What I’m considering is one of the keys of personal coaching and is assuming the responsibility in any situation, even in the moments in which we think that what is happening has nothing to do with us and that is another person or circumstances the blame for what is happening. If at that time, we are able to make a change and decide that that happens, is something that we have created in any way and can therefore do something to fix it or deal with it, then we will achieve results that until now only you could imagine. I am aware that what I am proposing is difficult to digest at times, but if you look objectively and without letting ourselves emotionally affect, you can see that it is the most useful position Although at the beginning can be somewhat uncomfortable. To give an example that makes the topic comprehensible, imagine that we find that we have a boss that from our point of view is a real tyrant, behaves aggressively, and imposing their orders without compromising or the slightest interest in what their employees can think or wish. Against this background, it is usual clearly blame the situation and devote ourselves to survive this situation passively while we spend our energy on criticizing him by his way of directing and even their way of being. I want to make it clear that what am raising does not absolve of guilt who is acting in a way so reprehensible, but the truth is that goes to us to interest more leave the role of victim and as I say assume responsibility in view of the situation.