
Caribbean Without Comparison

Cuba is of interest to varying sectors of the tourist market. It has a variety of its attractive tourist ones: beautiful, exotica, with significant attractive historical and cultural, superb white sand beaches and water are transparent that they take a turkish blue color like the color from the sky. Cuba is the home of people exceptionally friendly, exotica flora, tropical climate and a vibrant nocturnal life. If to you it likes the Latin rate, then east is the place, music sauce is always listened to. All this and a warm welcome makes to the greater Caribbean island a very attractive destiny for million tourists every year. The Cuban culture is unique in Latin America, with a fascinating and incredible history that they make to Cuba and its very attractive town. Cuba is a tourist destiny of great popularity, nevertheless is a little expensive destiny we compared if it with others of the Caribbean one.

Still she remains commercialized little and he is without a doubt one of the safe places but of America to travel in family. The City of Havana is capital of the country. The cities of Santiago of Cuba, Holgun, Camaguey, Cienfuegos, Slaughters, Pinar del Rio, Blind person of Avila, Clear Villa, Bayamo and Guantnamo are also important by their economic and population development. The education is free in all the levels as well as the study materials. Illiterates do not exist. There are 300 000 teachers, 47 centers of education superior, 21 000 professors and 276 000 students, although it has but of 3 million students registered in all the national system of education. There are university Universities or faculties in all the provinces, as well as secondary education, specialized, polytechnical institutes and others.


National Education

Crispino (2005) affirms that the concept of public politics is polissmico and that this expression ' ' it wants to mean a set of expectations generally directed to the power pblico' ' (p.63). Initially it presents public politics as ' ' scienter of the action of government that it aims at to take care of to the necessity of the collective and the concretion of rights estabelecidos' ' (p.61). One perceives that formation of professors and its level of participation in the decisions politics of Education they assume sufficiently excellent role in the pedagogical process of any degree of education. Long ago, we have perceived the incoherence with the speech politician of the professors one has been transplantada for the practical one. What it has been seen is an oscillation between ideas and practical conservatives, making with that the paradigm in addition if becomes sufficiently difficult. Per long years, we have lived deeply experiences in different levels of education, most of the time, have imperfections in the formation of the professors, as much in its specific pedagogical lengths how much its dimension politics, while critical and conscientious citizens of its social paper in the art of the life. On the other hand, although the quarrel on this subject sufficiently to be argued in the last times, these studies does not have advanced while the figure of the professor to be a citizen, formador of opinions, formador of citizens, a citizen with a full and historical luggage, concrete, related with a place, in certain time, inserted in the daily one of the schools Brazilian, in our historical context. The quarrels on the school and its paper come being argued per some years, passing for the movements of the pioneers, Pablo Freire, and agree to remember to the fights conservatives and progressive, always present, for occasion of the process of quarrel and voting of the Laws of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education.


National Competition

Patriotic daisy the adapter of the book was born in Brasilia, she was teacher during 25 years published 20 books between them many are assays and fictions for I publish adult to it. Its more famous workmanships are: ‘ ‘ in the trams of emoo’ ‘ ‘ ‘ all dumb one with Duda’ ‘ ‘ ‘ It leaves the front that comes gente’ there; ‘ ‘ ‘ it has enchantment in the yard and ‘ ‘ the war of known against the athletes vagais’ ‘. Its first workmanship of fiction gained the National Competition of Literature Ja de Barro in 2005 directed for publishes young to it. The book the ghost of operates involves a deep history of love that Erick that hid its face for being very ugly not being accepted for the other judged people being as I show if isolating of the world to run away from you criticize, making with that the reader reflects on the acceptance of other people and showing that all has imperfections plus this does not make our character and the person that in them we are, the love of the ghost also makes ticket of that any has feelings to put it led beyond what had and for being I accept for Cristine committed crimes scaring all being blind of more for seeing this. Erick shows the drama of a good person that it is judged by the saciedade and thanks to this if transforms into a monster showing the changes caused for these criticizes and for its isolation of the world which if incases perfectly with the reality in some aspects. In all the book only one aspect is disappointing which the author could to have at the beginning if gone deep more in the facts of the book and without playing the facts easily being able to dive in a great enigma of who would be the masked one and the reasons of it mask to use it, but when the reader obtains to dive in the tram the book it is more interesting mainly for the personages to be incased in the alias process and detailed well with strong and marcantes characteristics. Summary written for Luan Morony Simes, born in 1997 of April day 25, this to conclude 9ano basic education and this to at the beginning attend a course 1 average of 2012.


Agricultural Globe

Many scientists come making alert in the last few decades alarming on the ambient questions, serious studies sample that the reality still is worse you alert that them are entering in a irreversible period of training to save the planet land, that in the truth would have to call water forbids its surface to have greater water covering, plus this is excellent, the questions is more serious. The theologian and philosopher Leonardo Boff possess some workmanships directly showing on ambient relations the social matters of our country, the capitalist system are incondizente with the ambient questions since they are of opposing sides. The great challenge is to have a growth without losing natural reserves essentials of our planet, for this the public sector has that if to unite with the private sector to create one sustainable politics for problems as the garbage, the deforestation, the pollution for toxic dejections, the question of the ciliares bushes and others as much other things to be carried through, to put has that to be for yesterday. ' ' All man, early or late, in its life, places the radical question for the direction of the life and the world and answers its modo' '. (BOFF, PG 149) Some agencies already are changing its politics of performance creating not governmental institutions that fight for ambient and social improvements, as the recovery of the river of the Old ones in Minas Gerais, the State government, with the partnership of some entities of the private sectors, recoup about 60% of the river and the project foresees for 2016 to be recouped 100%. Studies show that to preserve it is about 50% more cheap than recouping, beyond the money the time also are excellent since a tree leads about 2 the 3 minutes being cut decades to come back in that one period of training. When if she analyzes environment has that parallel to identify the social matters, one is on to another one, for example, the deforestation of the sawed one and caatinga north-eastern that it is made by the sertanejos to feed the ovens of the manufacture of coal, in some interviews made for the Net Globe of television in its program Agricultural Globe, some sertanejos shows indignation for this deforesting, but they have that to survive and the only source of income of the region that they live and this. .


The Process

The proper one human being was being decimated for the overwhelming consequences of a completely other people’s mentality to the existenciais questions. As it affirms Cotrim (2006, p.195), ' ' century XX cannot be closed for rocking. Who remains open to want compreend-lo.' ' 1.2 – Understanding the massificao concept the massificao concept is related to the social dynamics characterized by the dilution of the being in one all permeado by a context of extreme alienation. In this regimen, the individual characteristics, particularitities and necessities are synthecized by a exacerbado existencial reducionismo, where the social dynamics passes to be characterized by the imitation. In it, the creative capacity is substituted by a quiet process of intellectual atrofiamento.

Quiet because it does not make use of the physical violence, but of a wide more efficient mechanism: the power of the ideological manipulation. By the way, she is necessary to stand out the question of the influences of the medias, over all in what it refers to the adoption of massificados behaviors. These have as main engine the effective ideologies in the present time. Such ideologies, based on the capitalist logic, have as characteristic basic the transitoriedade of all the things and the banalizao of the proper existence. Everything is reduced to a fragile and temporary modismo.

It does not have more space for the establishment of behaviors and taken root behaviors, based on the critical reason. By the way, this is submitted to a process of destruction and banalizao. To leave itself to guide for it is, vulgarly, not to follow social changes. 1. 3? The process of alienation and the concept of ideology: shades for a reflection on the massificao the massificao process closely is related to the proper process of industrialization occurred over all from century XIX. industrialization brought obtains the sprouting and the monstrous growth of the technology that, also, finished penetrating in all the spheres of the existence.


Chocolate Maker

Paquito the chocolate maker how much enthusiasm! Eh, eh, eh, pure concentration in activity, team spirit. Who does not know Paquito? The Chocolatier is example of integration, diversity management; Nobody resists its seductive ability, uniting wills towards a mission shared, enjoy the moment, forgetting problems and focusing on the fun. Quickly, to the rhythm of the pasodoble, masks, prejudices and complexes are disappearing, and we abandon us to a common mission, enjoy, sharing with other people present activity. We spent hours and hours, days and years, thinking about what we will do in the future, how will be the work that we will play. We spend much time in the morning, worried about security of employment, activity; We very easily lose concentration in what we are doing in the present. Eh, eh, eh. Nobody better than Paquito to focus on what we do; and don’t tell me that you don’t sweat with Paquito, steps towards forward and backward, arms up and greeting forward. Pegasus books shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. We all know what to do, and extruding forces where there is no them, continue to ascending pace, coordinating all the movements and collaborating with the other companions of adventure, the ecstasy of social beings in moments of emotional solidarity. Crowne plaza rosemont is often quoted as being for or against this.

Now that we have left aside masks, we feel the important thing is to work as a team, the security of share a project in which all members contribute much, the illusion of making us feel supported and accepted by others. Tensions, which generates distrust, they disappear and we increase the capacity of concentration with the intention of bring everything we have inside to achieve the goals and objectives of the Organization; knowing that we all benefit from the work well done. Eh, eh, eh, Paquito the chocolate maker, makes us move the skeleton and commits us all: address, employees and clients, to dance, towards total quality, for a greater enjoyment of the whole society. It shows us that the quality of life is fully compatible working with the quality of the product and service to customers. Everyone wants to Paquito because we know that with him we all benefit, working in the same direction, with joy and enthusiasm. Courses and courses in communication, pure and simple theory, contract Paquito that opens and joins the communication of different human beings with only a vowel and a consonant. That Yes, the word eh, add the music that we all want to listen to, the sound of business transparency, where every melody shows us the intentionality of the address of the company to improve all areas of it and not only economic. Enjoy, and being proactive in the present, let us not forget the good times with Paquito.


Transaction Controller Application

It gets to run the tool, and begins to work on the application, step by step to get the report cases seen by category of patients, as they visit a new page in the application, samples obtained from that page, you add in a Transaction Controller (Insert Parent Transaction Controller Logic Controller). Once the browsing application, add two reports one to see the response times and another to see errors found in this test (add Listener Thread Group Summary Report and View Results Tree respectively). This report gives the response time of the application under the load of 15 users, we find that the average response time of the application is 2 seconds, the minimum time it takes is 0.047 seconds and the maximum was 5.1 seconds.

The percentage of error was 50% reporting that analysis refers to such errors. It also shows the application performance while browsing, which was 14.9 seconds and a response of 134 KB / sec. With this report (View Results Tree) can be found errors for each page accessed, for example in RAD’s homepage, there were two errors (/ general / style.css and / General / allstyles_aps.css) which the report says it will not find those files, when applying for this page there is a delay in making the request for these files, do not exist. 3 – Conclusions It has a proposed tools like JMeter for stress testing. In addition to a more specific document on the use of this tool.

With this tool you can analyze the performance of an application, under specified conditions is that it responds to analyze an application under the action of a number of users connected to it.


Oliveira Pollution

the sonorous pollution is not practised in Fuel Ranks not. This already turned one practical current in public areas, streets and in the neighborhoods of the city called wonderful (Sic) In the same way it is happening in relation the restaurants and bars, mainly those situated ones in the Maritime Edge of Macei. When the sonorous pollution not part of these proprietors, comes of the boizinhos calls, that arrive with its cars of models we carssimos and until imported, bringing in powerful the trazeira luggage of the vehicle boxes of sound, together with twiters, amplifiers and other equipment, aiming at ' ' ouvir' ' music in the highest volume and with great power. The problem of the sonorous pollution gains contours of public problem that must deserve a more rigorous attention of the public agencies, in virtue of the serious ones and harmful consequences that they cause for the set of the society. In some countries the problem of the sonorous pollution already integrates the politics of public health in reason of the high index of deafness, mainly youthful. The sonorous pollution if of the one through the noise, that is the indesejado sound, being considered one of the forms most serious of aggression to the man and the environment. According to OMS – World-wide organization of the Health, the tolerable limit to the human ear is of 65 dB (a). Above from this, our organism suffers estresse, which increases the risk of illnesses.

With 85 noises above of dB (a) increases the risk of auditory comprometimento. Two factors are determinative to mensurar the amplitude of the sonorous pollution: the time of exposition and the level of the racket the one that if the person displays. The loss of the hearing, the effect most common associate to the noise excess, can be caused by some activities of the daily life. It has for example, loss of 30% of the hearing in that they use walkman, touch-ribbons or laser disk during two hours per day during two years in 80 levels next to dB (a). It is calculated that 10% of the population of the country possess auditory riots, being that, of this total, rubola is responsible for 20% of the cases. Currently, about 5% of the insnias they are caused by external factors, mainly noises. The cities are competent to fight this type of pollution as it taxing affirms a decision of the Court of Justice of the State of Rio De Janeiro, in verbis: TJRJ. Environment.

Sonorous pollution. Legislative ability. City. Local interest. Consideraes of DES. Carlos Saints of Oliveira on the subject. CF/88, art. 30, I and II. In this particular one the ordinances must be detached that establishes rules on subject of local interest and searchs the suplementao of the federal legislation in what to fit, in the form of interpolated propositions I and II of article 30 of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988, mainly, with respect to the control of ambient pollution, including itself, for obvious, the sonorous pollution, must respect the federal normatizao produced by the competent entity, in casu, ABNT (…) Concluding, the sonorous pollution can and must in accordance with be fought, since that the Power Public exerts its Power of Administrative Policy, the teachings of Celso Antonio Flag of Mello, Hely Lopes Meirelles, Pablo Affonso Helm Axe, Kiyoshi Harada, among others. For everything in the life solution exists, is alone to exist will.


Benefits of PVC Windows

As a result, costs for the season (November-February) due to "leakage" of heat through the old windows can be about 4 thousand rubles. According to Inna Zaitseva, an expert federal network VAU-IOM (the company carries out activities related to the installation and maintenance of plastic windows): "The appearance of pvc window profiles can be called a new step in energy saving. After all, we have shown that up to 47% of heat lost from the room through the windows, and plastic frames to help reduce these losses to a minimum. " According to the branch center O.K.N.A. Marketing to the end of 2010, wooden windows of the "old" generation (middle-heat protection and heat transfer coefficient of resistance below 0.54 m 2 * C / W), which installed in homes in Russia, will remain around 60%.

Optimal choice for today are pvc windows. "They are a distinct advantage – durability. Given that new windows do not require special care, similar value for money can be regarded as very beneficial. In addition, the replacement of "woodwork" for new construction of pvc reduce heating costs by 30%, "- says Leo Minullin, commercial director of td propleks (exclusive Russian supplier of pvc window profile, produced by Austrian technologies). Depending on the budget, the options when choosing windows are chosen different. But, as practice shows, the more expensive the design, so in what is more economical than "life" with her. Floors Any coverage (whether linoleum planks, parquet, carpet) without due care quickly wears away over the years transformed into the floor, that does not look without discouragement.


Site Development with Articles

Effect of articles on development. One of the simplest and most affordable ways to convey any information to any user or reader as a whole is to write and display the copyright, or not at all opinion articles. Inverting attention to this area of creativity and a method of attracting attention, it should be noted some positive and admittedly effective moments are sufficient to ensure that this area could be developed further. A precisely because of all the other virtues are as follows: – Portability and a superficial perception, if we are talking about some copyrighted material is not related to scientific activities. It is easy perception can adequately draw your attention to certain aspects or moments, without any tedious and sometimes boring bursts, sometimes often abundant in the full book. – Sufficient magnitude of the effort. Because each article can also be used as a means to pay attention to anything and at the same time has enough potential that could develop or expand the topic entirely, without any Additional conditions and requirements. Read more here: crowne plaza rosemont.

– Wide range of applications Stateyny genre in almost all areas of advertising texts to fully research and sound materials, employees sometimes replacing the base material spread in the books or textbooks. – Accessibility. Almost every literate person has at least some minimal knowledge of what sfkre writing the text could write the article themselves reveal the essence of what he was necessary and of course that would interest the reader, otherwise paper will remain a paper material. Finally summing up everything written above is the effectiveness of article at the lowest cost. All this allows you to make informed choices in favor of writing articles as authors and other interested parties. Now let's consider the moment, how is the influence of articles on Internet development. See Jeff Gennette for more details and insights. At first glance, concept is not quite compatible with each other.

If the first relates to the field of literature, the other to high technology. And yet both find common ground for the establishment and development of the Internet sites. Since the main factors influencing the expression of interest to the user or resource nomu occurs precisely at the level of perception of textual material. In other words the user wants to see high-quality text, and properly written article this is a quality text. An additional advantage to all this modet be sufficiently broad scope of articles, as well as the topic of various websites. Summing up the writing, like would all still pay attention to the fact that high-quality content, as do all high-quality draws closer and the "quality" attention to what is recited. In this connection I would like to wish all the "writers" articles more closely to the quality of their work, since it is still an impact on further development. Good luck to all