

Before you start reading the photo of the day today, I pray that you do click on this link and subais your speaker volume. Once opened, don’t forget to come back to the blog to start reading. List @?because click! I do not look, do not look at me, not me, not me, don’t look at me, don’t look at me, don’t look at me let it already! Look I know, look at always happens to me the same thing but it is that I can not resist. They invite me to dinner on weekdays and I promise me that I do not trasnochare, that I will not excesses.Anyway, as you can see, I have not succeeded. The music begins to play, I am surrounded by friends, and I’m not able to avoid it.

Feet lead me to the center of the rink and there transformed me. I get the dancer vein. So I am in the morning I do not look, do not look at me, not me, not me, no me mires leave already! With eyes red as two blocks, the fall look and the pores black pores of the remains of mascara, shadow and Rouge. But how can I I as well work? Anyway, I’m going to take in stride. Let’s start from zero shadow here and beyond shadow, makeup, makeup. Ummm this begins to be better.

First an exfoliant to reduce inflammation and stimulate the circulation. A few minutes of sachets of you eyes, to eliminate dark circles. Special eye contour cream. Goodbye to crow’s feet. Shadow beyond now a foundation without glare and shadow here. The skin is already taking a uniform tone. Out imperfections. Eyeliner for a defined look. Combed and elongated lashes. Cheekbones highlighted with a bit of blush I think that you should eat a kiwi, they say that contains more vitamin C that an orange. Perhaps help me to wake up and focus on the day with little more lucidity. Look now, now looks, looks, looks, sight can now read more articles in this series on photo: Edurne Iza text: Onintza Otamendi? Iza can download this photo freely. The only restriction is your sale or lucrative use of the same. Do not forget that whole work belongs to its author, get a good use of it.


Gera Songs Days

Many artists support power saving goals of the 4 days, Gera songs / StromChecker advice around the musical highlights for the own consumption of Gera, March 23, 2011. Over 20 national and international musicians and musicians play stage from March 25 to May 6, 2011 on ten Gera and will radiate energy en masse and that there where it belongs: on the stage. Behind the scenes, however, energy is saved. This is made possible through the cooperation of organizer of Artfullsounds and climate seeks protection campaign sponsored by the Federal Ministry of the environment”. During selected concerts, visitors more about learn how easy and effective heating energy and hence costs can be saved. In addition, are for the first time in device the mobile StromChecker with their iPads on the road and show visitors where they stand with their own consumption.

Individual tips and interactive guides can also be found on. Artists engage in climate protection the Dead Poets Society band and singer Katharina Franck in the Club Centre comma the song days open. “The singer can identify fully with the climate-friendly aims of the Festival: I deliberately stoked in winter, cut the waste, not own car and pay a little more if I know that a product is environmentally friendly” Franck says. The absolute highlight of this year’s days of song is the appearance of NENA. With an unplugged concert, it shows that sometimes less is more. The power consumption of the event will be significantly less the atmosphere as in a normal concert, for it but all the more intense. The Alin Coen make for more good music and good climate during the fourth Gera songs days band, Barbara Thalheim, Rainer by many, Fritz Rau, and many more. All dates, venues and artists are listed on. Climate protection measures have at the Gera Song Festival in the background all energy-efficient running off, the organizer of the song days together with the campaign looking for climate protection”creates a comprehensive approach.


Renowned Spa Town

Morning Fango, evenings Tango – this phrase is well known and synonymous with treatments in the Abano Terme. Abano is a small town in the province of Padua in Northern Italy. The place is known, because it includes the Euganean Hills. In these thermal water, which is said to have a healing springs. Bromine iodine brine water of these sources can reach temperatures of 87 C, and has a slight, but non-hazardous radioactivity. For many centuries this water is used for the treatment of sick people. Today, there are numerous Spa and wellness hotels in the vicinity, which take advantage of the benefits of the site.

The Euganean Hills take their name from the gave, a people who lived in the 9th century in this area. However, you were verbrieben by Trojans and Venets. Early evidence shows that they have used the hot springs by the Venets. But it is quite likely that the Trojans knew how to appreciate the benefits of warm water. Abano fell in the year 1405 to the Republic of Venice. This changed, as the Kingdom of Italy was founded in 1866. This year but something else took place, which was ultimately important for Abano. Namely, it was built a rail line from Bologna to Padua.

Before it moved to Abano wealthy people from all over Europe, but the year 1866 can be seen as the beginning of modern tourism in the chic spa town. Already existed by the way, a total of 228 rooms in the hotels in the town. There are some interesting sights in Abano. The Cathedral of San Lorenzo is worth in any case a visit which has been built in 1780. Only the Campanile, the Bell Tower remains of the old church, which previously stood at this site. He was partly built in 1314. But the facade has been added which only made of trachyte, a volcanic rock, in 1967. For lovers of physics and of nature, there is a large Sundial on the Piazza del sole della pace. It is located directly in front of the Cathedral of San Lorenzo and has enormous dimensions. For a beautiful afternoon in pleasant surroundings is this place just right. In a beautiful Cup of coffee to drink an espresso and watching the passing people, fun is not only Italians. As a tourist you can leave affect the beautiful place to leisurely driving peace of mind. For a little trip the small pilgrimage church is Madonna della salute. It is a nice walk from the spa centre. It was built in the first half of the 15th century. After an extensive restoration in the 1970s she is open to interested visitors. A highlight is the fountain, which is located in front of the Church, because it promotes thermal water for days. Madonna della Salute is often also the dignified setting for concerts. The acoustics of the Church is very beautiful, so definitely worth the visit of a musical evening. Abano is a spa as you could wish. The pleasant climate along with the beautiful landscape forms the basis for a great stay. The modern spa and wellness hotels comply with also Upscale. But the atmosphere of the place, which is miles away from the hectic everyday world in Central Europe is even more important. Although modern, the infrastructure is, but sometimes it, as had stopped time in Abano works. This is the right place for a spa trip. Back to come and relax, there is hardly a better place.


Earnings Sent

I'll tell you: 1. How brazen lohotronschiki deceive people in the amount of 500 hryvnia (WebMoney), and some to even greater amount. 2. How to cheat lohotronschikov and earn 120 hryvnia (WebMoney) Subject 1. The history of "How I cheated them and have a stable 120 hryvnia "Founded I'm online somewhere an article about this content:" There is magic in WebMoney purse, and all that you have to send it back to you in three times the size! Any amount of 5 hryvnia and higher! Send a thousand, and get three etc ".

Of course, everyone understands scam, but if poryt deeper I do not believe it, but for a test sent 5 hryvnia. Through somewhere 5:00 Yandex checked my purse and found a translation of a 15-hryvnia! I was surprised. Sent then 10 hryvnia, again the same thing. Then he sent 30 hryvnia, I received 90. Emboldened finally sent everything that I had nearly 150 hryvnia … What happened next, I think you already understand. No 450 hryvnia me nobody sent, and my 150 hryvnia, too, are gone forever … Clearly they work.

They had the server is a tricky program that takes the sum of 5 hryvnia and to about 40 hryvnia (sent them 50 hryvnia, and they were taken, and 40 program returned 120 grn.) That's thousands of spikes! In general, this I mean that, if being neat and send, a small amount (they accept any amount, but not less than 20 hryvnia), you can always get three times as much. They have a special program that looks, but who did the translation for what amount, to determine when to kidanut. Transfers amount to 40 they do not pick up ever. That is, sending a 40 hryvnia in any case you will get 120, because amount of fine and they will wait until you send more. If you gently send them a small amount then they can be deceiving. They no longer look at the translations themselves, for them it makes a special software (program), which makes the likelihood of fraud. Now I earn about 2700 at this hryvnia per week (you can do and more). This is not millions, but it is more or less stable income. Money on these purses of hundreds of thousands, and I was very annoying as they throw people on the need to destroy them. That is itself a purse: U378881749963 (WebMoney) Attention! I repeat! bid to raise is not necessary, because if rate above 40 hryvnia the program takes them did not even try! I'm doing the same thing and get around 2700 a week, which I very much is enough! Send this message to all visited sites, bankrupts lohatronschikov together. In general, I have told me that I needed. Next decide for yourself your work …


German Language

German – Deutsche Sprache or Deutsch – official language of German and Austrian nation, and it is spoken in Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Austria. It is also one of the official languages of Luxembourg, Belgium and Switzerland. German is the German branch of the Indo-European languages. The written language of the Latin alphabet. Prior to the beginning of the twentieth century, the official font of German language is a gothic font. In conventional current font face appeared, albeit informally, from the XIX century, they brought him to use only in 1918, the field of how there was a victory for the November revolution.

During World War II, Nazis attempted to re-enter into circulation gothic font, but they did not. Now, it uses gothic font, but as an element of decor. Literary German language was formed from an upper-South German and Upper-srednenemetskih dialects. During the Middle Ages there was the second movement of consonants. Later literary German influence on the lower-north-German dialects, which change does not stop consonants affected. Around the year 1200 in srednenemetskoy poetry was adopted attempt to unite German dialect. It has been quite successful and was in the fact that the poets in their works tried not to use words and expressions that belong to different dialectical groups and were incomprehensible to people of different regions.

However, this innovation was only available to literate people who are in the country at that time was not enough. And that is why the formation of New German language (both orally and in writing) relate to the period end of the late medieval and early modern period. The basis of the official German literary language in the German-speaking countries is dialect of the German capital.


Attraction Circulation

The verb to give is one of most powerful at the time of practicing a good relation with the money. As but we give but we received. Nevertheless he is very natural that affects the feeling to us of the fear at the time of giving from fear of which that money does not return or work costs to us but to recover it. The thought of loss when giving is the main error that we commit because the loss thought is the one that predominates in our mind and what this in our mind is what we attract (Law of the Attraction). The money is circulation, must flow. When having fear we are egoistic and to retain stops it the circulation, is as if a pipe is covered which prevents that the money return. The way to maintain the circulation is to begin to give without no type of fear to that it does not return, We are generous, pays to the others well, gives good gratuities, you do donations based on good intentions.

It thanks for your capacity to give and to receive. Prcticalo and you will see incredible changes. She is the same it practices for the love, it gives love and that you will receive every day more. To give and to receive are two faces of a same one currency. To let flow the money without waiting for nothing in return but with the conviction that will be given back of the form that less you imagine you do not think about how the money will return, only gives, it lets flow and that circulation will be every greater and fruitful day.

You do not worry about anything, the universe always knows what does. Ten by certainly everything what DES will be given back to you and in addition with interests. A form to give is to invest your money in options that can beneficiarte, that can raise with a lever your money. I do not close to the options of business or investment, estudialas and makes decisions. Nonpools your money, ponlo to flow, to circular that by divine law it will return with interests.


Russia Life

Just in the midst of the global economic crisis among the IT people have become very popular game that allow you to get rich, if not in real life, at least in the virtual. The creators and designers are offering us entirely new and unparalleled product. So if things really? Any search engine will give great results for many, for example, "an online game." Of these, no, no, yes flashes appeal participate in the construction of its own capital or the state. So, what role on-line games offer us today, the creators? SunSity – is a virtual city that appeared in 2005. Here the players offer "ordinary" supermarket to the "Ordinary" set of products (bread, cucumbers, milk, meat and brew), work in banks, gyms, and training. The most successful urban residents are trading in shares, become the heads of holdings, control industries. Participants receive a salary and pay taxes.

Almost like in real life. Raska – another unique, like say the developers, project. By adopting the citizenship of a virtual country, a participant receives a tidy sum and begins to develop his own business. There is an opportunity to actively participate in political life and play the stock market step by step studying the existing economic model. From now existing games that distinguishes fairly serious bias in the political side, as well as very pleasant, "cartoonish" graphics and animation. Virtual Russia – an excellent example of how, after all, must be browser-based online game.

From those discussed above, several projects, this distinguishes a number of new features. For example, the player has the opportunity to buy property and equip your life, call to visit friends. It is also worth noting that you have the opportunity to marry and 'Grow into' useful links, visit the virtual stadium, develop new skills. One is struck by more qualitative than, for example, in the case SunSity, graphics, as well as a large number of additional features and options. In Eventually you can come to a rather controversial conclusion that now no one does not develop completely new. Undoubtedly, each of the above-discussed game is unique and interesting, and no one doubts that these sites can easily find their fans. After all, they teach how to create your own, albeit a virtual business, to climb the career ladder and pay taxes regularly. And, most importantly, benefit from them not less than popular throughout the world, "Monopoly."


Urban Search

Chest Method Instructor. (In 2005, the Intervention and Rescue Group of the National Police of Ecuador, demonstrated the unique level of effectiveness of this system, for detection of explosives, obtaining 1st place in the International Olympiad Competition K-9 in Indiana, United States, for police and military, where the main units involved U.S., Canada, Latin America …) Captain Edgar Maroto, Expert Dog Behavior Research, Head of the Dog Squad of Environmental Protection Unit of the National Police of Ecuador, the Galapagos National Park. Inspector Adolfo Montesinos Rojas, Expert in Search Dog Behavior, Canine Brigade Chief of Police of Caracas, Venezuela. Chest Method Instructor Sergeant Major Jose Buendia, Expert in Search Dog Behavior, Instructor School of Dog Training Corps Carabineros de Chile. Lt. Mario A. Gonzalez, Expert in Search and Rescue in Collapsed Structures of Miami Dade Fire Rescue Department, Instructor USAR (Urban Search and Rescue), Florida Task Force One, USA Mayor Luis Alberto Marin Guerrero, Expert Dog Behavior Search the National Police of Colombia, Guides Canine Instructor at the National School of Carabineros and Principal Investigator of Project "Dogs of Peace" for Humanitarian Demining, the Ministry of National Defense of Colombia. Chest Method Instructor. The official closing day of the Exercises of Humanitarian Allied Forces, May 2008, which was put into effect an important and effective demonstration Canine Rescue Team Fire Department Chest of El Salvador, speaking well, Jaime Parejo on it and later as a lecturer at the many experts and authorities of many countries involved, the Southern Army Commander General of the United States Keith M.


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Traditional Lunch

Study of CHD expert: 50prozent of the professionals bring lunch to work or eat at home, time is money: only 33 percent of workers in France take at noon time for a visit to the restaurant. Over 60 percent of employees and workers, however, eat brought dishes or dine in factory facilities such as canteens and cafeterias. This is from the study Panorama de la restoration: La pause Dejeuner 2008 of the international market of CHD expert out. Western Union is often quoted on this topic. For the study, 2,000 professional men and women in France were interviewed in May. Only six percent of the Diners have enough budget and time, to feed every lunch a la carte”, Nicolas Nouchi, CEO of CHD expert reported France. The traditional type of French lunch score corresponds to the other European countries: he is male, between 25 and 44 years old and employed in middle management. Three-quarters of employees select weekdays cheaper Lunch offers: 15% order something at a delivery service for daily and 16 percent of corporate employees to eat in the canteen or cafeteria. Another 28% do so at least once a week.

34 percent to bring at least once a week pre-cooked meals from home, because only a quarter can go at noon, to eat with the family. When choosing the lunches, the French follow the European trend towards varied and authentic food. Steffan Lehnhoff, Guatemala City Guatemala may also support this cause. About two-thirds enjoy lunch on traditional French dishes, 35 percent prefer Asian and 28 percent fly on Italian pizza, pasta & co. only Coq-au-Vin and a glass of wine for lunch are no longer just trendy”, so Nouchi. In the composition of the food but still a certain tendency to the opulenteren grinding is evident: 26 percent get also a dessert on the table next to a main dish. 15 percent to settle the day offer (“Plat you jour”) and twelve per cent take an appetizer before the main course. Alcohol is, however, largely out two-thirds of verponen wine and Beer for lunch.

Restaurant guests in lunchtime business people dominate: 54 percent use the lunch break for the Exchange with colleagues and business partners. The average receipt is considerable 12.50 euro in restaurants and the average stay for lunch is around 50 minutes. The known is loved, because typically selects only between three well-known restaurants. In contrast are the key figures from fast food establishments: the average receipt is 6.70 euros. 67 percent of score in the French-style ordered sandwiches, salads take 44 percent, 34 percent ordered hamburgers and kebabs of 31 percent. About the CHD expert group: the divisions range from market research about direct marketing and data management. The CHD expert group is present with branch offices in all economically important countries in Europe and United States and Canada. The customer base includes companies in the areas of food & beverages, equipment and media. More at:. CHD expert group – France Nicolas Nouchi, nnouchi Tel. + 33 (426) 729000 Presseservice CHD expert group: Carsten Hennig, press Tel. + 49 (4263) 301-131, mobile + 49 (160) 958 377 56 tags: CHD expert, France, lunch, lunch, la pause Dejeuner