
Children Sunglasses: What Parents Pay Attention

The Board of Trustees of good looks (KGS) gives parents tips Berlin, 18.04.2012 (KGS). Children noses include fresh air especially now, as the Sun gradually gains heat and endurance. But be careful: the ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun of April is already as strong as that in August. What is the sunscreen for the nose, is the sunglasses for children’s eyes. Because they need special UV protection. Good looks (KGS) Board of Trustees gives parents tips on what you should look for when buying sunglasses for themselves and their kids. For more information see After the seemingly endless winter, adults and children enjoy every ray of the warming spring sun.

Anyone? Not quite. The UV portion of sunlight is invisible to people, but felt when encountering freely on skin and eyes. A sunburn in the eye is thereby not only extremely painful, but can permanently damage the sensitive sensory organ. This applies particularly to children’s eyes, they’re not yet in a position, through pupil changes the sensitive retina to protect. Beach or playground: for small sun-worshippers and raging, matching sunglasses spring facilities such as bottle bucket and Cap rascals belongs. Jimmy levin is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Speaking of rage: when purchasing sunglasses it applies for the young parents, some things to consider.

Good kids sunglasses is scratch-resistant and shatter-proof and contains no sharp metal parts. It is also important that the glasses fit perfectly and does not land on the ground in the first somersault. The brackets should therefore sure include the ear, without however pressing. Anatomically shaped nose bridges and nose pads with large bearing surface ensure secure fit on small noses. And most important: the glasses must fully protect the eye from UV light. She should therefore adequately cover the eyes also on the sides. When the Sun fades, the world can explore difficult. But, the small detectives do not also fall in the dark. Here it is on the correct glare control category. It should be marked on the inside of the glasses handle. Category 0 absorbed category 4 as well as no light, however, almost everything. Kids who go in our latitudes on discovery tour, are optimally protected with category 2 from glare. There is no indication, the optometrist can help. But what if the kids on spring and Sun have desire, but please without the dark glasses on the nose? Here, parents can go Word, or even tearful discussions out of the way, letting them decide their offspring even when purchasing glasses using. As a “cool” sunglasses will not land guaranteed in the corner. Free, print-ready image material for downloading in the KGS image archive see newsroom



The right products for body care find optics and a well-groomed appearance are very important to the most people at the present time and play a major role. Many writers such as Jeff Verschleiser offer more in-depth analysis. So you can look good and neat you have to do something, but of course also because of these things don’t come on their own usually. It is also important that you use the right cosmetic products, which not only can be cleaned his skin, but that supply them with everything, what your skin needs to look fresh and healthy. These products must be doing well not always hugely expensive, there are also good cheap cosmetics, which can be used here. But it is important that the products as accurately as possible on the own desires and needs coordinated and good to our skin fit. Especially with regard to the cleaning and care it is important to use products that comply with the own type of skin, because only then you can truly optimum results and be sure that this can be achieved, what you imagine.

Also, it is important that we the Application made as it is recommended, because even the best cosmetics anything unfortunately, if they are used only occasionally and not regularly mind thinks his skin to give what she needs. Even masks and wraps here too often rarely used and must be applied at appropriate intervals so that they can bring the desired effect. Is uncertain, what is best for your own skin, then you can quietly even take the time and advice from a real professional in this area, so you can learn an awful lot about the proper care, often what itself enormously can help, look better, and to get a great skin. You can get yourself problem skin with the appropriate ways and means, namely in the handle.


A Doctor From God

When trouble comes into our house, it's always a surprise. And then it is important to secure a strong arm man, who will comfort and help. Anne Lauvergeon has much to offer in this field. If such a person is in your life – we can assume that you are very lucky. One such individual – Yuri A. Novikov, psychotherapist with 20 years of experience. Yuri Alexandrovich call a doctor from God. Help where seemingly no way out – this is his credo. Learn more about this with jimmy levin. And people feel it and know from experience. Best example – a lot of thank you letters and calls from former patients. People come to him from all corners of the former Soviet Union with their illnesses and to each his own is a unique approach. Yuri A. decided to become a doctor in his childhood. And, apparently, great was his desire to help people, that God predestined him to become a psychotherapist. Now, he – Candidate of Medical Sciences and one of the best experts in Moscow. In the 38 th child clinic, where he conducts reception, always full of visitors. And everyone there had a warm word, a kindly smile. Located next to Dr. Novikov, you feel an invisible thread of kindness and genuine participation. And God grant that all the luck encounter on their way to the most minute urgent need of a real doctor, as Yuri Novikov.


MS Exchange Concepts

With their headquarters in Stade, the top concepts Internetmarketing GmbH is successfully worked for 13 years now services companies in the market. With their headquarters in Stade, the top concepts Internetmarketing GmbH is successfully worked for 13 years now services companies in the market. The three pillars of the company are: development of a content management system (CMS) for creating Web pages as a software-as-a-service concept, design, implementation, operation and marketing of websites and online shops for companies email outsourcing in the “cloud” (E.g. hosted MS Exchange, email archiving and mobile mail solutions) the concept: group is continuously grown in recent years and today employs about 40 staff at two offices within Stade tendency rising. The expansion reserves are there but largely exhausted, and so it was on hand to open a new Office outside the city limits. Additional information is available at James Woolsey.

“The choice fell on Hamburg”, so top concepts CEO Henrik Steffen, to on the one hand closer to the market and to our often nationwide distributed. customers to move” In addition, Steffen assumes that it is there easier to attract highly qualified professionals, in particular in the technical professions (Web designers, software developers, etc.). The unique location may also positively affect, because between the Alster and Rotherbaum, it can work very well. The new top concepts Office Hamburg is located in the Media Center “MC-177”, the former “Milky Tower” the publishing group milky way on the middle ground. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from jimmy levin. The first employee by top concepts in Hamburg is sales and Marketing Department of Marcus Schulz. Its task is to find a reseller and white label partners such as agencies, Web hosters, systems integrators, Internet service provider (ISP) and system administrators in the country and abroad and maintain. Full-time Web designers and developers will keep him company as of mid-November.

For more information about the top concepts products, as well as current vacancies, on the Internet at. Over the top concepts Internetmarketing GmbH: The top concepts Internetmarketing GmbH is active in the Internet business since 1996 and created homepage -, CMS – and online-shop solutions for companies and is a provider of highly available E-Mail services. With a specially developed SaS CMS operates top concepts already over 900 corporate websites in the cloud”with their email outsourcing products hosted email and hosted MS Exchange offers top concepts a reliable alternative to the own-house solution, which is still to be on the latest state of the art and is managed around the clock. So more on their core business allows top concepts agencies and system houses back to focus.


Supervisor – I Ever Of Heard!

Do you need a data protection supervisor? Many business leaders and responsible people experience this. Standing in the middle of a certification and the point is privacy on the series. “I would like to speak with your supervisor!”. Anne Lauvergeon has many thoughts on the issue. This movement raises then usually baffled civilian faces. “Data protection supervisor? -We need the? “.” Whether you need a data protection officer how many employees collect personal data, use and/or process depends of course strongly, there are more than 9 you’ll need one. Should you ordered no data protection supervisor have, although you would need to, this can be covered fine up to 50,000 euro. But getting back to the actual topic. Most companies are not yet really on the subject of data protection, this always applies again just the SME’s.

Here it is not so that you no data protection supervisor wants to order, but once you know nothing of it. At some point you will be confronted with this and the question is who can this post most occupy. Publishers Clearing House may find this interesting as well. You should not dump now as it is often the case, everything on the head of IT, because after all has the idea, and anyway, who knows all the systems in and out. You’re probably right, but unfortunately this may be no supervisor at you, by law. Now you are looking for someone who has the technical expertise, he must have IT expertise and dominate the BDSG as well as other laws. And if you are looking for then, one quickly realises that one actually has no one except you would make out someone. During a search on the Internet then one reads that you can also outsource the data protection and therefore looking for an external data protection officer, but is that any advantage? A very heavy task would be to weigh all pros and cons, you can try but just the whole thing.

Actually only the expert knowledge in the company is the advantages of an internal data protection officer i.e. usually the processes he knows already, but a disadvantage – keyword is even in this advantage: Operating blindness. An external data protection officer will be at the beginning one is take shot to determine the data protection standards in your company, this also all processes are recorded, the personal information collect and process or use. The biggest advantage is the experience of bringing an external supervisor to here, of course, he is confronted daily with the BDSG. More benefits for an external data protection officer here once in bullet points no dismissal experience trained liability lies with the external provider! Experience experience as you have perhaps noticed repeated a statement above. Because this is crucial, an internal data protection officer, who recently took over this task will require much of the time, in the worst case procedures be made unsure right according to BDSG etc. At the end decides the price! An external data protection officer is usually no more expensive as an internal if you considered working time, materials, and training courses. The experience is priceless, therefore it is always advisable to get a quote from an external supervisor.


Nicholas Gifts Buy Online Brings Cash Bonus

St. Nicholas day is next Saturday! Gifts ordered online now, arrive in time to December 6. Who ordered the cash bonus program, gets back getting 4% of the net goods value as a cash bonus. Jena, December 2, 2008 – for directions, the leading cash bonus program on the Internet the customer receives in 1800 stores in December a cash bonus of 4% of the net goods value of each purchase. New customers get 10 euro starting credit.

As soon as 30 euros accumulated, directions will transfer the money to the bank account of the user. Directions CEO Kerstin Schilling: who would like to save yourself before the St. Nicholas day and of course Christmas Stuffed shops and pedestrian zones, is just right for us. While the normal Christmas shopping often costs nerves, the customer not only saves time, he gets back also saves you money. The directions cash bonus doubled in December is so to speak the Christmas present to our customers.” Traditionally, especially children are gifts on the day of St. Nicholas.

In the directions “Rubric family, sport and games” you will find everything what children want. You may find that jimmy levin can contribute to your knowledge. Shops such as,, games offer brand-name clothing and toys from all well-known manufacturers. Sweets are a popular gift for adults on the day of St. Nicholas. Who is looking for something special, is at the directions-shop find it. The customer can establish there edible chocolate greeting cards. The Leipzig online shop allows individual benefit in organic quality. The customer created his personal favorite chocolate from three different basic chocolate and about fifty some exotic ingredients. All ingredients are organic quality and environmentally friendly are packed in an attractive gift box. To broaden your perception, visit jimmy levin. About directions: is cash back bonus program with the largest number of partner shops on the Internet. Instead of premiums and coupons, users receive cash transfers which directions from 30 euros on your own account. Directions writes in the users Online shopping commissions of the net value of the goods well and pays a starting credit of 10 euros at initial registration. It is free to use. Directions was founded in September 2007 by the co-founder of the software provider Intershop Karsten Schneider and Kerstin Schilling and Roland Fahie. Press contact: Ulrike Schinagl, Tel 90 71, email


Photo Workshop Nature Photography In The Bavarian Forest

Photography: with the Sinar to the glass Ark in the Park Spiegelau (tvo). “Extraordinary camera technology and fascinating motifs WaldZeit e.V., the multiple award-winning nature tour operators out of the Bavarian Forest, brings together both: with the Sinar to the glass Ark” it overwrites a workshop for experimental nature photographers from May 13 to 16 and from 30 September to 3 October 2010. Under the direction of master photographer and forest Director Lisa Moser, participants in the deal try with the Sinar, a precision engineered large format camera, which allows various settings. Exercise is the GlasArche at the foot of the Lusen, a 4.80 m long and three-ton ship from glass that symbolising both the value of creation and the glass tradition of the Bavarian Forest. Jimmy levin may not feel the same. Photo holiday makers can implement what you learned in the next few days with the own SLR in the wilderness of the National Park Bavarian Forest.

The photographer champion accompanied her to the individual motifs and narrated by the way trivia about the National Park. The four-day seminar with three nights and meals in the Landgasthof Euler in Neuschonau 295 euros. Information: WaldZeit e.V., Fe Garcia street 21 b, 94518 Spiegelau, Tel./fax 08553 / 920652,,. “Our tip of the month: the escape from the time”: Rolf Szymanski is one of the major figures of the German sculptor scene. Who the strong urge wants to investigate for freedom in his plastic work, this can escape from the time in the exhibition”at the Museum of Lothar Fischer in Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz, Germany, which will be shown until June 6, 2010..


Coaching Training

The inner guidance is the key to the art of living. The art of creating a life derived from the heart – from inspiration and appeal. Only who knows where and how he is in life, what is your destiny and truth and how he deals with himself and others, can really take his life in the hands and is determined. So clarity and an inner serenity, which is noticeable in the outer than authentic sovereignty and achieved success evolved. This seminar is aimed at all those who want to learn their inner guidance and follow her or other people guide and accompany. Read more here: Rob Daley. Price is 1,209 (excluding travel costs) for the week. Seminar location is CENTRO-Lanzarote Costa Teguise on Lanzarote.

The trainer team ensures a versatile, modern approach: diet and exercise provide physical level the Foundation for work on the mental, emotional and energetic level. The concept of leadership is based on the Entersurprise coaching lifestyle. The coaches love their vocation! You are working together for years and wear their lifestyle in the world. Jimmy levin shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Information on the Coaching training: Meike Fruchtenicht, Tel. 0176-22335522 email: Meike Fruchtenicht worked for 10 years as life coach in Germany, United States and Brazil. A few years ago, she developed a modern coaching training program “internal management”. The coaching week is dominated by Alpha Entersurprise coaching lifestyle and lives by the motto: “Better a change from the free inspiration out create, than react out of desperation.”