
Landing Page Optimization LPO

Home pages are not optimal landing pages if a website owner is paid to send users on his Web site, he should present the users not the best site? Statistically give users a site less than 8 seconds time to decide whether they go or stay. Specially designed landing pages are a first step to generate conversions and more efficiently utilize the online marketing budget. Unless premises no resources for this are available, it is advisable to hire an agency for landing page optimization. Many companies often send their users to the home page of their online presence, which is an error in the majority of cases. Also the default category page of an online shop must be not always the first choice when it comes to users make to customers. The home is a presentation of the entire company. This is good for returning visitors, i.e. the so-called direct or type-in traffic.

For users who visit the website for the first time, which can be confusing. This under the aspect that a user coming from Google visits your site with an intention specific for him too. It is far more effective to offer specially designed landing pages that help users to find exactly what he has been looking for. Channeling traffic to the home page, the user is often overwhelmed by the amount of links in navigational elements, sidebars and content. Also commonly held sales texts increase the user experience. However, a user who is put into a specially designed landing page, associated more with the original search query, is more inclined to carry out a transaction. This means for online retailers consistently thought to end: at the end, the site operator has a whole zoo of different landing pages for different user segments and search intentions. It takes time and constant testing to find the perfect combination of individual elements on the landing pages: the correct heading, weighting the call-to-action elements, text and images. The invested efforts pay off but: Ongoing landing page optimization rewarded the website operator with continuous growth of the business. Rolf Mandrak