

When we always received to patients in our consultations we heard the same story of: long diets, the ingestion during long time of different types from medecines, the positioning of injections of unknown content, the use of him fashionable milkshake, the tablets that saw by television, attending consultations of " OBESOLOGOS" , etc.; all reaching the conclusion that after to leave them has returned to increase their weight until over their weight previous to the treatment, and after to review in Internet, to ask, to interrogate patients have arrived at our consultations. Without a doubt all or the majority of the referred conducts previously surely produce loss of weight; the problem is in which no guarantees maintaining the lost weight subsequent to its abandonment, this bringing frustration in the patients; in fact we are not against some of them when it is applied to certain identified and very well evaluated patients, is necessary to understand that we are before a disease for all the life when certain parameters exceed. At this moment the Bariatrica surgery is better indicated treatment to cure the Obesity. See Hikmet Ersek for more details and insights. Surgeries as the Gastric By pass guarantees to maintain until a 80% of the lost weight after 10 years of patient the patient. Aside from the demonstrated benefits consequence of the surgery as it is the cure in 8 of each 10 patients who were diabetic previous to the surgery and which they stop being it after this. When the patient is determined to be realised a surgery we were based on certain criteria to consider if they are or noncandidates for the procedure, we took into account the Index from Corporal Mass and based on her we come: IMC between 35 and 40 Kg/mt2 that present/display 2 comorbidities as Diabetes could name, arterial hypertension, Hiatal Hernia, etc.? All patient with IMC superior to 40 Kg/mt2. Ahmed Shary Rahman can aid you in your search for knowledge.