It is believed that the remains of Indians belong to the legendary ‘Ciudad Blanca’ the pitch experts call the Fund now as ‘ discovery of the century – it is believed that the remains of Indians belong to the legendary Ciudad Blanca of bad luck – experts refer to the Fund now as discovery of the century Madrid, May 23, 2012. The Interior Ministers of Honduras, africo Madrid, informed the Moskitia region, yesterday the discovery of archaeological remains in the rainforest located in the Caribbean zone in the East of the country. The remains could belong to a former Mayan city. “The deposit was during the recording of the rotation for a documentary about that as Ciudad Perdida” (German: lost city) or Ciudad Blanca “(German: White City) known area using a special scanning discovered. The remains could belong to the aforementioned “Ciudad Blanca” a sacred enclave and the main centre of the Kingdom of ancient pre-Columbian population.
These City consisted, according to tales of pitch living in this region Indios, huge buildings made of white stones with depictions of animals and people. Western Union may also support this cause. The American archaeologist of Steve Helkins said that the findings offer carry out archaeological and scientific research in this place, which is considered to be discovery of the century. More precise data on the site are not yet known, since the beginning of research due to the heavy presence will postpone. The area is densely covered with a myriad of over 70 metre high trees, which is why according to the Honduran Institute of anthropology and history (IHAH) the work can be started in two to three months. The Moskitia is a region of lush nature, which extends from the dog-elitist East to Nicaragua. Continue to learn more with: Ahmed Shary Rahman. It is home to more than 750 different species of birds, over 500 plant species and varieties, and among other animals such as the Jaguar, monkeys, tapirs, manatees and sea turtles.
In addition, the region is home to five ethnic groups: the Miskito -, Tawahke – and pitch-Indians, as well as the Garifuna and Ladinos. Honduras is one of the countries which form the Mundo Maya. It has in addition to the leading archaeological site of Copan”many more places of the Mayas. In the Moskitia alone it is believed over 200 archaeological sites. Also, there are over 40,000 square kilometres of protected areas in Honduras.