Young people are those who have to stop us, raise your hand and voice over our land, which sees us grow. It is easy to leave with a chapita Patagonia without dams, it is easy to say I also am Patagonia without dams, but what is not easy is to go to a March, and if it’s raining, go from cold and say I defend my land. I call them to wear pants to aperrar with everything with this sense called the high school student Marcela Figueroa placed young people, and through them to all the regional community, to occur on June 5, world environment day, in that occasion in different cities in the Center South of Chile will be carried out demonstrations and cultural artistic activities. This Thursday morning, during a press conference held in Coyhaique, various leaders of the Aysen Region reported the characteristics of regional mobilization that will depart with a concentration from 14: 30 hours at the neighborhood headquarters of the population Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Errazuriz with Canete. This demonstration is going to be focused on expressing a deep rejection to what are hydroelectric projects in the Region of Aysen, i.e. energy Austral HidroAysen, and everything they mean runs high-voltage lines that currently are not being transparentados to the communities expressed on the occasion one of the spokesmen for the activityVictor Formantel. He noted that this will be achieved thanks to an effort from the Community bases, pretty cross, where we will have people from Cochrane, Tortel, Lago Verde, La Junta, Puerto Aysen, Coyhaique, but also people that they manifest themselves in Villa O’Higgins, as a way of giving an endorsement to the opposition to the dam projects. The final route was informed by the student Daniela Ojeda, who explained that after meeting in the high sector of the city, is lower by Errazuriz to Victoria to bend in the direction to Bilbao.
Author: admin
The Others
Nor is there a problem of conflicting interests. What is the cause of a conflict of relationship within a team or a company? It seems productive to fix me in 2 big causes of these conflicts: A.-when someone does something that the others do not them like B-when someone does something unexpected in both situations are broken the rules agreed for the functioning of the team. What has actually happened? Simply have broken rules and standards that were made for the proper functioning of the equipment and the relationship between members of the same has suffered. Solutions to manage conflicts between individuals within a team: 1.-check staff possesses good skills of management the censored person needs to know the behaviour that is expected of it. We are faced with the need for know reconcile the expectations it creates with its promises to do something with the expected results. 2.-Recognizes that there is a conflict. Real example I described earlier the head of the censored steering does not speak.
I interpret his silence as a desire to not see a conflict. It is a bit like the tactics of the ostrich head sticking through a hole. Somehow you want to there is no conflict. Nobody said that it was easy to be a leader. If there is a conflict recognizes the conflict even say it out loud.
We have this conflict and tries to describe it. Play him as something that can improve your leadership. Register conflicts of relationship of a troubled person with peers and identifies which skills to the solution of the problem has been at stake that person. You can make it look that does not put anything on your part but write down what you see. 3.-Agree reasonable regulations to communicate and work together, talk about responsibilities, dealing with each other, not to discriminate against people, etc. Safe such that you’ve proven on numerous occasions how some people abuse the email to avoid conflict when in reality they are worsening with misunderstandings which in addition are written at a crossroads of increasingly absurd emails. Teach your people what issues should talk face to face and what can be resolved by mail. How distinction when do you treat something face to face? When notes that it would cost you get up and go talk to that person. If you have trouble is because you probably have an emotional resistance, something inside that it encourages you to avoid the conflict. Delay clarify things or camouflaging them in e-mails will not improve the situation. If you embrace these 3 points on your daily agenda turn conflict into an exciting challenge where you creceras in self-confidence and as leader of your people. If you are still, on the contrary, burying its head in the hole like the ostrich you will put your life and your happiness in the hands of others. It will be best that you renounce to lead people if you don’t start by leading you to yourself.
Juan Marinello Vidaurreta
THE voice of the President of the delegation HISPANOAMERICANA Juan Marinello Vidaurreta was part of the delegation, along with Nicolas Guillen and Alejo Carpentier, who attended the II Congress of writers, convened by the International Alliance of antifascist intellectuals, which gathered in Valencia, in July 1937, Jose Bergamin, Corpus Barga, Antonio Machado, Pablo Neruda, Fernando de los Rios, Ramon J. SenderVicente Huidobro, Carlos Pellicer, Jose Mancisidor, Octavio Paz, Elena Garro, Rafael Gonzalez Tunon, Ilia Ehrenburg, Bertolt Brecht, Anna Seghers, Ernest Hemingway, Heinrich Mann, Andre Malraux, Louis Aragon, Cesar Vallejo, Rafael Dieste, Rafael Alberti, two John Passos, Julien Benda, Martin Andersen-Nexo, -U, Stephen Spender, Tristan Tzara, Emilio Prados, Maria Teresa Leon, Arturo Serrano Plaja, Juan Gil-Albert, Herrera Petere, Lorenzo Varela, Miguel Hernandez, Ramon Gaya, Pascual Pla and Beltran, Ludwig Reen, Andre Chamson, Jef Last, Malcolm Cowley, Feedor Kelyin, etc. the Hispano-American delegations in this Conference made me – Juan Marinello said in his speech – by one of those generous mistakes, as of our people, their responsibility before this House. They say my mouth that they understand and measure the size of your commitment and accept it. In this speech on some excited words devoted to the writer friend and compatriot, killed at the battle of Majadahonda of the Spanish war defending freedom: we promise it, fixed the memory in a man who by writer, by Spanish, Hispanic-American and hero, deserves and requires our best word and our most committed decision; in a Cuban whose name engraved on the walls of this room, is pride and duty: Pablo de la Torriente Brau, spotless comrade in the best days of struggle, Comrade now exemplary in his presence without moving, Guider comrade in the alba already pointing the poet, essayist and critic Juan Marinello Vidaurreta was born in Jicotea, Ranchuelo, on 2 November 1898 and died in Havana, on March 27, 1977.
Latin America
China advances not be ignored that China aspires to progress in all aspects. It seeks to put a vehicle buggy unmanned on the Moon by 2012, which lay the foundations for their maximum ambition of putting a man on the natural satellite. In October 2003, China became the third country that launches a man into space with its own rocket, after the former Soviet Union and United States. The Asian power sent in October 2005 two additional astronauts on a five-day flight in his spacecraft Shenzhou VI. China launched its third manned in September space mission, and released a live recording of their first spacewalk, which captivated the nation. His first probe lunar, Chang e-1 satellite, named after a mythological lonely goddess who lives on the Moon and longs for her husband, it concluded its mission last month after orbit thousands of times the Earth satellite. China will send a probe and a buggy Lunar near 2012, reported the Beijing News daily, citing State television. Before the lunar probe, China will send Chang e-2 satellite to complete another mission around the Moon, said CCTV.
China said its lunar mission would include three steps of orbit, landing and returning, but so far has not revealed any manned lunar mission scope, impact on the other hand program also exists, a serious concern for us, as, outlines the growing influence of China in Latin America. You don’t want or imagine the consequences of a possible contagion of Communist ideology to the countries of the subcontinent, many of them led by left-wing governments like Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia or Uruguay. And even less the effect on its economy of a commercial Alliance fruitful with these Nations. Finally, after they are exports to Asian countries, primarily to China, those who are pulling their GDP. Faced with this situation, Washington has opted to trivialize the economic benefits of a rapprochement between the continent and the Asian giant.
Peru Integration
These approaches are of great importance to the strengthening of our markets. How is that the integration of equity markets may benefit the economies of Peru and Colombia it? Although they are not major securities markets, one can imagine that this integration could promote the growth of the same and benefit investors who would find this way a greater variety of investment possibilities and allow a better diversification of risks. One aspect that can not miss is that Peru is the main destination of Colombian investments abroad, so this Alliance will allow improving the anchorage of the Colombian companies in the Peruvian market. The success that may have this integration may think about the possibility of incorporating new bags of the countries of the region and thus advance in the project of regional integration of the markets which many times it was intended to give impetus, but who for various reasons could not reach fruition. But before continue projecting what might happen with this breakthrough on regional exchanges, is worth clarifying that integration may not be so simple because that is required to reach agreements in different aspects such as policy issues. In fact, the attempt to integrate which have been carrying out in recent years, bags of Mexico and Brazil, not has failed to materialise by this issue. What is clear is that if you could choose an opportune time to prevent Latin American economies in advancing the integration of their stock markets despite the turmoil in the economies of the first world, no one could choose a better time than this where the region in General, has achieved an important macroeconomic stabilitywhere it grows at a good pace and where you are already thinking seriously about moving towards the definitive economic development.
Sanchez Paredes
So much so that they had a pairing in the offender Fujimori with the APRA Government; conciliation and resistance in the conservation of their interests and consequently the APRA a very overlap understanding with Fujimori offenders. As we can see was a chain in which the three were swept away, for the conservation of their privileges, therefore when the new general education Act was given, and after their regulations and their implementations, there was no resistance from the national leadership, only rose anti-establishment sectors always, but also without articulation or conservation of its own forces in the fight that was coming.But problems for the State every day will be accentuated. And such is their greed that don’t care about their alliance with the forces of drug trafficking that are looking for social recognition. Such is the case of the family of drug traffickers Sanchez Paredes. We do not know if they are protected not only by the State, that if we already know it and its judiciary; If not also by United States and their central intelligence agency, which evince because its double moral. Well that us not surprised since it is always his practice in all the world, it seems to happen with the events of September Eleven appearing each day are more shadows of doubts of those who were its real actors. But returning to the family of drug dealers, who ufanan have the endorsement of the most big powerful in the world, so also include most of this Government’s support, so much so that the majority of pro-Government congressmen are named among its regular visitors and advocates about allegations of abuses and killings committed by this family.
Erina Profile Pictures
As soon as possible to determine the shortcomings of our physical when I play this point I mean to carry out a review into consciousness and recognize that muscles are lower than the rest. Could they be the calves? The biceps? Or maybe the chest?. The key is to be corrected quickly, until they are shortcomings become chronic. That is why it is best begin to give special treatment to those muscles.
Train them twice per week as hard as possible and if you can do before starting your workout better! In this way we can gradually sculpt our physical order to maintain symmetry and proportions indicated. 4. Give space to aerobic exercise already know all the benefits of aerobic exercise for our health, is why I would like to highlight again what she brings to the aesthetics. It is more effective to eliminate the excesses of accumulated fat. Aerobic exercise tones and gives you the maximum visual potential to all our work of bodybuilding. It is for this reason that you must always have a space reserved in our routine.
If you are a person with little retention of fat, two sessions of half an hour a week they will be enough to stay in shape; But if you have overweight, 40 to 45 minute sessions the days that you train would be the right thing. 5. Pay special attention to the type of feed. We know that everyone has a metabolism and different trends concerning the somatic type, this is why it is logical that according to this trend, we will have a different power. An Ectomorph Habitus to an endomorfo is not the same! A thin person must have good loads of calories represented in carbohydrates and fat of good quality. If not for an endomorfo, which should reduce (not eliminate), intake of fat, carbohydrates and throw hand of the number of possible protein. Broadly speaking these are the 5 main guidelines to help you achieve a quality physical, the rest is detail; but ten fully confident that from these points can have a great guide or map to follow to achieve your perfect shape! Andres Torres Gnarr. tuformaperfecta. com Blogs related exercises for chest: push-ups A shoulders of Giants’ European Monetary Fund, is it necessary? Keys to managing time in SMEs (part I) It penalized why everyone wants to copy McLaren spoiler?
The Value
Depending on the country, between 75% and 90% of the new companies they will be closed within a period of five years. The percentage of people arriving at the five in their MLM companies is around 10%. Now, who has had to ask the Bank between 50,000 and 300,000 euros to start a business, will fight until the end, because in many cases uphold abandonment to a family economic cataclysm. But when you invest 30 to 100 $, there is no such anchor, so the inclination to surrender will be greater, taking account of our natural and cultural rejection of how painful. Do many people know to acknowledge having been dismissed from his job because they were not at the height? And to all those that blame the boss, the company or the world of his dismissal? Do many entrepreneurs expect to recognize that they had to close their business because they didn’t do well their work, or did not do so well because they refused to learn (remember that in the multilevel, learning comes from practice in 90%) and few will recognize that it was because guts missed them to resist and fight for his dream?? Let us not delude ourselves: very few will have the honesty and the value of responsibility, against a majority blame everyone but if same.
But unlike the employee, we are owners of our business, and therefore solely responsible for how going. And there are no excuses that are worth. When you hear a broken businessman divide blame, usually in plaintive or outraged, plan but does not assume any…Do you think? I in which no doubt the had, if not all, large part of the responsibility in the disaster (dammit, were the Chief as wearing it?).
Overcome Poverty
An endogenous development, balanced, global and sustainable in a world still dominated by extreme poverty and inhumane inequalities is possible. Report from poverty to power, how can change the world active citizens and effective States, presented by the NGO Oxfam International, is part of a study of lessons learned in over one hundred countries in the last ten years for a reflection on the future of the development. Duncan Green, Coordinator of the NGO research, describes a world in which resources are available to everyone, but very poorly distributed, to the extent that the income of the 500 people richer on the planet are superior to what you perceive the 416 million poorest people. This injustice marks the lives of one billion people living in abject poverty, and in many cases, becomes cause of his death. This inhumane inequality determines that a child does not reach their fifth birthday of life depending not only on the country where he was born, but of the environment which is born. Because even within countries, inequalities are huge and frightening.
The gap grows every day and condemns more people to poverty, disease and a life without minimum human dignity to which are entitled. Together with the factors that emerge in the media are the increase in the price of oil and food have to add climate change, which causes instability that affects the most vulnerable. But the media also reported that more than 70% of the increase in the price of fuel is due to the shameless and unpunished financial speculation. This data does not seem to move Governments. Economic growth seems insufficient to end poverty by the enormous inequalities that still persist. The report again to propose the solution provided by civil society movements who argue that another world is possible, because it is necessary. It’s a profound redistribution of power, assets and opportunities with the guarantee of the entire population access to education, to the health, drinking water, responsible motherhood and good nutrition.
Sometimes life can seem to drag.You don’t have the energy than before.If only you could lose some weight.Perhaps it would be better.Perhaps you feel is more how to do things.You might consider increasingly active with fat burners.Here are some reasons why. Metabolism these products work to increase your metabolic rate.This can be compared to stoke a coal oven.If you put a small amount of coal in, will have a small fire.If you put a huge amount, you may have a very large fire.However, the excess fuel can damage the oven.To prepare the oven at a constant speed, which will increase the heat output of the oven.It will be much more efficient.This is how these products in metabolism work.When is your metabolism more efficient, more of your reservation are burnt.While doing so, you will feel better.We can give you more energy.This can have a ball effect of nieve.Como a small amount of snow wheel by a hill, turns into a ball.The more is more big wheel turns.Also becomes faster.The gravity increases the attraction on it and further accelerates.This is how your energy level can be affected with high metabolism and weight loss.You feel better, so you feel more wanted to do something.Maybe walk to the market instead of driving.The total increases the level of activity.More weight is lost.You feel even better than before.You will feel better with yourself mentally also.You can start to do more things in the House.This is due to the fact that you feel like doing things, now.They are still losing weight.Are they still being felt better and better with himself.Snowball that is gaining a lot of movement. More impulse can increase the effect of burning fat product with some steps simple.Try to drink more water.When you go to the store, buying more vegetables.You don’t have to make any lifestyle changes.Try making small changes here and there.If you do a little thing, you can do another.All these little things with the time joined in one very big thing. Numbers help do you know someone who is the taking the same product?This can sometimes help.It is much easier to do anything if you’re not alone.Talk to your spouse or common-law partner of that.It is possible that they want to get involved too.This may work better after having had some degree of success.The big difference will be noticed.This will help motivate to join you. Overview can be more active with FAT (fat burners) burners.There cannot be a snowball effect.Your metabolism increases and you lose some weight.This makes you feel better.As you feel better to have more energy.When you have more energy, which are most active.This helps you to lose more weight and feel even better.Be sure to drink plenty of water.This will help the work products better.Involve others in his plan if possible.It’s more fun to do this with someone. Original author and source of the article