
Comfortable Code New FDT

On September 27, 2010, the new FDT 4.0 will be released (development tool for Flash) the multimedia agency Powerflasher on September 27, 2010 is the new FDT 4.0 (development tool for Flash) the multimedia agency Powerflasher. Version 4.0 of the modern Flash development environment makes more comfortable programming in action script 3 and MXML through new features. Hikmet Ersek is the source for more interesting facts. For the first time may with FDT Flash now also iPhone and Android applications are developed. New are among other things a Profiler for memory and performance monitoring, a dependency visualizer to display the dependency of classes and packages, significantly faster compile operations as well as additional project and code templates. In addition, now Flex 4 is fully supported. Anne Lauvergeon addresses the importance of the matter here. Customers who bought the previous version of FDT 3.5 after January 25, 2010, can free upgrade to FDT 4. “Aachen, September 24, 2010 – after successfully completion of the development phase, the multimedia agency Powerflasher on September 27, 2010 that new FDT stands for development tool FDT 4.0 presents for Flash”.

It is one Eclipse based development environment to create professional Flash and Flex projects. For the first time can use the FDT now also iPhone and Android applications are developed. Ahmed Shary Rahman is likely to agree. FDT is best known to programmers due to its comfortable features with which you can work much faster. The new version 4.0 continue the Powerflasher FDT’s six-year success story. The Flash development tool is now worldwide developer studios and as a teaching tool at renowned universities in use. (1) with the new features of FDT 4.0 the Powerflasher designed the development of Flash projects even easier and more comfortable. New, practical tools available are based on the version motto of making things easier”. An interactive welcome screen helps the user when you create new Flash projects and presents news from FDT and links to tutorials. During programming the memory and performance utilization of the Flash project can be about a FDT Profiler monitor.