In this direction we notice that the children must be valued for whom they are and not for what they will come to be when adult, that is, the rights, the infantile yearnings, as well as its identity have of being respected and being understood with the same relevance that the adult age, therefore, as well as this the children also are important constructors of the social organization. Already for Corsaro (2002, p.115) the socialization process is reproductive in the direction where the children not only internalizam individually the adult culture that them is external, but also they become part of it, that is, they contribute for its reproduction through negotiations with adults and of the creative production of a series of cultures of pairs with the other children. With this we perceive that the children adentram in the adult culture, as well as reproduce, internalizando it such point that she becomes integrant of it. Also they create cultures and ways of life together with its fellow creatures, wants to say, with other citizens of its age. 2,1 Education in the social movements According to DALMAGRO (2000) ' ' for this social movement, the work is educative for the social transformation is not that one of bourgeois conception. This, according to author, is deseducativo for the project of the society of the Movement. The same one analyzes that the perspective of this organization is to recoup its edificante dimension, educative, transforming capitalist relations of work to forge the construction of a new culture, pautada in values socialistas' '. In this direction we notice that the carried through education inside of the social movements is differentiated, a time that, in contrast values the citizens for what they are, of the majority of the pertaining to school institutions, in which, we are taught to be passive impensantes acrticos and. In this social movement if of the o inverse process since the citizens construct its history, they are acquired knowledge politically, if they understand and they know that they are constructors of the society and capable to modify it.