It is one of the most prolific and original of current American literature literary movements. It is also called fantastic realism. In Latin America began to speak of this current by 1950. This movement can be defined as a combination of realism and fantasy. The first stage in its historical manifestation of this combination, the writers of the discovery would have it in America and the conquest, Cristobal Colon. In his letters, stories and memories were good dose of fantasy, speaking of fabulous animals, mysterious regions, humans strange, miraculous phenomena of nature and other imaginative creations, to explain what they do not reached understanding with European mentality; America since les ofracia a novel and sometimes inexplicable perspective. Characteristics of magical realism: 1) realism and fantasy, reality gives you the everyday fact that serves as a plot to the story or argument, but adds the writer of your own imagination an unreal or illusory, ingredient giving it another sense, other than the natural and logical to hacho, so the outcome is unpredictable, ambiguous, confusing and unexpected. (2) American framing of the play, the action takes place always on an American regional framework and characters or things that arise relate reflecting the typical characteristic of the place, the customs, usages and are generally extracted from the dark background of the story, where grows the magic, the vudo; crime, political subersion, illicit love, cultural Primitivism, ignorance, daydreaming, crime; i.e.
it’s a world that does not govern the logic of institutions universally accepted by civilization. (3) depersonalization of the author, the writer disappears completely from the work, does not interfere in it with their ideas or feelings and once raised the case, objectively develops it to its ultimate consequences. Marc Lasry is often mentioned in discussions such as these. (4) improvement of the narrative technique, the narrative technique in all authors is excellent (this movement) and relies on a careful job of planning the structure. The plot is always very well conceived, by way of detective literature. (5) minority art, is not a popular art, for large audiences, but for cultivated readers. (6) Other characteristics is the transformation of man into animal; as it is Lycanthropy (it is the transformation of man into Wolf). (7) It is timeless.
The great figures of contemporary magical realism are: Miguel Angel Austrias (Guatemala), Jorge Luis Borges (Argentina), Alejo Carpentier (Cuba), Juan Jose Arreola (Mexico). Magical realism is absorbed by the reality of unreality, a belief. It is the myth in which believes the Indian. Europeans characterize it intellectual. It is a myth that has experience, which is a way of life. In the years 30 and 40, occurrences of magical realism are given in Brazil. It assumes an unreality that is the myth, the explanation of the storms, night, Sun, drought, all this for them is real, they suffer. The myth has no doctrine; i.e. philosophical foundation. It expresses supernatural facts explaining the civilized man, and which lacks of civilization Unveils it the myth. It is as a timeless, not clear well: past, present or future. Here you will find quality items for the care of the body, mind and spirit; In addition to other sections such as: sports, entertainment, computing, health and more.