
National Week Of 23 Liturgy

Get to know the community.-the liturgical animator group to enable it to fulfil its mission, it is essential to know the liturgical Assembly, his social environment, their culture and language, their achievements, their tensions, their problems and hopes, to avoid that more than the marginalization of some persons or compel the Assembly so we can give in the exercise of their functions. Today there is a pluralism not only in culture but also in the confession of the faith in religious practice. This forces to take into account as far as possible the graduation of the faith of loa forming the Assembly, many people for example involved a wedding and non-believers, but are there social, this can be an attraction to get these people back to the faith, and this is work of liturgical animation team. The same liturgy is consistently a claim of evangelization. All are called to participate, to confess their faith, to pray, to give thanks, but not all seek God in the same way, nor all live the faith with the same intensity. The difference of ages also in the various assemblies. There are readers who read well, but are not communicators of the word, or unknown sound techniques.

There are also directors of specialized singing and organists, but unaware of the rules and the liturgical spirit, they go on their own apart from the spirit of the day that we celebrate, have goodwill, but lack them a knowledge of the liturgical sense, even there are Presidents that lack them liturgical meaning of the Presidency, or are unaware of the possibilities offered by the liturgical books for greater participation by the Assembly. Today is fair, to because I do prayer collects the previous Sunday, and if tomorrow is fair repeat this prayer this was before the Council. All the prayers that there is in the Missal, are to be found, the sentence more appropriate, perhaps to the readings or the situation of the parish church, knowing the Missal for choosing prayer over the offerings, the preface, some choose always the shortest.