
Goldman Sachs

“Goldman Sachs is a one of the world’s largest investment banks. It traces its routes back to 1869 and is headquartered in Manhattan, New York City. Goldman Sachs provides wealth management, investment banking, and sales & trading services.

In regards to the technology world, Goldman Sachs continues to invest heavily in this market.”

The greater and more feared problems of all this energy transformation, it is demonstrated at the moment where the loss of the control occurs during the process, as it occurred on account in the Japan of tsunami that it damaged the plant, generating the fusing of the nuclear reactor caused by a great increase of temperature, causing emptying of the harmful radiations to the beings livings creature. The nocividade of these radiations must it the fact of that ‘ ‘ the set free energy can produce ionization and excitement of atoms and molecule in addition and, as free consequncia, formation of ons and highly reactive radicals. These, in turn, can attack molecules of great importance as the molecule of DNA of the nucleus of the cell, causing to it damages. The destruction of a DNA molecule results in a cell capable to continue living, but incapable of if dividing. Thus, the cell finishes dying and not being renewed. If this to occur in a very great number of cells, goes to have a bad fabric functioning constituted by these cells and, finally, its morte’ ‘.

(2) But exactly ahead of all this picture favorable, the nuclear energy still can be seen of efficient form in the field of the human development, through the execution of impossible facts in half conventionals. The medicine, the pharmaceutical industry and agriculture are some of the areas more benefited by this type of energy. The radioistopos as are called, can be absorbed or to cross the substance, making possible multiple applications in the medicinal way, as in the cure or the control it cancer, diagnosis of illnesses through mamografia, cat scan, x-ray among others. They are these applications that are used to destroy microrganismos or harmful cells to the good functioning of the human metabolism. Beyond the displayed one, one of the main advantages of the nuclear energy gotten by fisso is not the fsseis fuel use, not launching in the atmosphere toxic gases, and not being responsible for the increase of the effect greenhouse.


Sustainable Life

Support, many know what it is but few practise acts its favor. All want a sustainable life, but they are not strengthenn for adquiriz it. ' ' Thus the humanity walks, with steps of ant and without vontade' ' Lulu Saints the global Heating is a fact that is consuming the planet to each day that passes, or better, to each as. Calotas polar melts and the level of the ocean increases collaborating for the sprouting of the tsunamis feared ones. Deserts in a gorgeous forest appear, due to the illegal deforestation, which cause premature deaths of animals for consequncia of the disequilibrium of ecosystems and the animals in extinguishing disappear as a magician touch.

The effect greenhouse appears as a monster bred and fed by the proper one human being, since the same it appears through the fosseis fuel burning, as pollutant gasoline, diesel and some gases. Tufes, hurricanes and cyclones appear through the evaporation of waters of the ocean. Without counting to the waves of heat and the temperatures that change diverse times, it seems until we pass per the four stations in an only month. He is obvious that all the ambient disasters are extremely on with the global heating, and only that it can it withhold this badly that is destroying our environment is the man. For incredible that it seems the rational being if it becomes irrational, it makes all wrong one and it continues destroying its proper home and it does not think about the future, in the future of our children, grandsons, greats-grandson Everything what it happens it is guilt of the proper man who only harvests what he planted, the law of the cause and effect exists yes and must be respected mainly when it is about the nature. The protocol of Kyoto is not being rigorously respected, however it exists in order to help to reduce the emission of responsible pollutant gases for the effect greenhouse, in the theory, yes, it exists! The organization not governmental Greenpeace took the initiative to create a video protesting against the deforestation of the Amaznia and appealed President Dilma to save the forest that is being consumed to each as. The question is, will be that the president will go appeals to take care of it the organization? It will be that it goes to give one is enough in the deforestations in the general way of our forest? Or the world will finish first? We need to act, to swim against the rapids to save the planet, which we inhabit and we usufruct of its valuable goods. Many people suffer with the natural accidents, lose familiar, houses and until dignity and the people continue of crossed arms, or better, making everything in contrast to a sustainable life. We must make our part, since stopping to waste papers and water even though to knock down trees, to kill animals, to emit pollutant gases, to construct houses in places not allowed, thinks ' ' matar' ' the nature and to destroy the environment is ' ' matar' ' proper itself and to harm the proper species. you, until when go to wait a natural disaster to happen? As well as us the nature this if defending of intruders and annihilators! It thinks, it reflects, alive!


Biomass Energy

In the last few decades the ambient problems if have aggravated due to continuous emission of pollutants in the atmosphere, caracaterizados for extreme amounts of gases and harmful particulados materials to the environment and the health of the beings livings creature. This if must mainly to the ostensive fsseis fuel use as power plant. Thus representative of diverse areas of the knowledge they come if motivating to study alternative forms of energy production. It more enters the studied forms can be cited the use of the alcohol proceeding from the sugar sugar cane and most recent used, biodiesel, which if fit in a fuel classroom renewed. One another type of renewable fuel that is being wide studied is the bio-oil, this is gotten from the pyrolysis of biomasses, such as wood, forest and agricultural residues. The bio-oil, beyond being used as combustible, can be used as substance cousin for the synthesis of diverse other substances of high aggregate value. Ahead of this, the present article aims at to the understanding of the pyrolysis process, elucidating its main types of process, beyond the used classrooms of biomass more. In elapsing of history, the use of the biomass has varied considerably under the influence of two main factors: the demographic density and the availability of resources (Table et al., 2003).

Thus the world-wide demand for energy, especially the proceeding one from the fsseis fuel use aiming at to take care of the high levels of industrial production has been one of the main aggravations of the ambient problems. In order to brighten up these effect he has been carried through studies of sources you renewed of energy and less pollutant fuels, as bio-fuels, etanol produced from the sugar cane-of-sugar or maize and biodiesel, that it can be extracted of oleaginosas as soy, mamona, tame nut, among others. Another alternative of renewable biocombustvel that has been sufficiently studied is the fuel use proceeding from residues of vegetables, as wood and bagasse of sugar cane. These materials are assigned biomass, which possess a great amount of energy that is accumulated during the period of growth of these plants by means of the photosyntheses, the energy gotten through these are called of bioenergia.


International Policy

Its exit towards the Space station the International is predicted for Friday. They fear that a storm can postpone the launching of the ferry. It will on board take four crew for a mission of twelve days. The NASA began east Tuesday the count down for the launching of the Atlantis next the 8 of July, with the fear of which a storm that advances towards Florida can darken the final mission of the era of the ferrys. Officially the clock began to tell 13,00 backwards h, hour of the east of the USA (17,00 GMT), but the NASA fears that the storm, that is in Bahamas and advances in northeast direction, forces to postpone the launching. Still there is nothing no decided, but the meteorologists of the NASA observe their evolution, according to indicated in press conference the spokeswoman of the meteorological service of the NASA, Kathy Winters, since the prognosis points at an increase of the cloudiness and a 60% of rain and storm in the zone of the launching Friday. It is predicted that the Atlantis start off for Estacin Espacial Internacional (EEI) 11,26 Friday to h (15,26 GMT) from the Space Center Kennedy in Cabo Cane plantation (Florida), with four crew in a mission of 12 days.

Spare parts and scientific material In their warehouses will take to the module Raffaello multipurpose with five tons scientific provisions, spare parts and equipment to supply to the EEI, that orbit to about 385 kilometers of the Earth, before it always concludes for the era of the ferrys. Also, it will transport the experiment Robotic Refueling Mission (RRM), designed to demonstrate and to prove tools, technologies and techniques necessary to resupply mechanically to the satellites in the space. The director of tests of the NASA, Jeremy Graeber, assured that the Atlantis are preparation and the person in charge of load of mission STS-135, Joe Delai, also affirmed that the material.


Personal Credit

After entering in this I circulate vicious is much more difficult to obtain to leave. It stops beyond that it is usual that who part one I credit fast to help in its financial situation, finishes for using the money of the loan obtained in other ends. It is not easy to resist it I appeal consumista of our current society, and to have the money against the account paradinho. I credit fast: the search this scene of Euribor and oil are remained But if the prices worthless already it belongs to the past, as the search for this type of fast credits is justified that if it conserves? Nowadays the people are a little more comforted to the level of the installment of the house and the price of fuels, however we are with one of the highest taxes of unemployment of our recent history and many of the people who had lost its job and had left of being able to pay its installments try to get money of all the forms to be able to aguentar its habitation. With the more demanding banks each time in the concession I credit of it and being job one of the basic requirements to have access to one I credit, many people had turned over for the companies I credit easy fast or, in the hope to obtain a temporary financial solution. These companies are much less demanding who the banks in the concession of credits because they practise loans of high risk, with high taxes of interest associates. The information valley each time more, is remained informed when reading in mine blog. Mine it finishes analyzes published is to Personal Credito BPI.


RQ Search

The main purpose of the program RQ Search and Replace – mass search and replace text (blocks, strings, whole words) in text files and documents MSWord. One of its features, useful for zazrabotchikom WEB pages, is the presence of special functions for editing HTML files. With this program you can find and edit the tags or specific attributes of the tags found in the given conditions. For example you can find and remove the tags span lang = 'rus'>, which contain a lang attribute with the value rus, at the same time span tags with a different set of attributes will not be affected. You can edit and delete tags and attributes, change the value of individual attributes.

In this case the order of the attributes in the tag register, and other differences do not affect the HTML code is parsed result, it is allocated with the given name tags, this tag is distinguished attributes and their values and compared with predetermined. Tags with the specified attributes will be processed if they meet the selection criteria. This kind of operation can be implemented using regular expressions, and even then, maybe not all. In addition, when using RQ Search and Replace user does not need to know the rules of formation of regexps and construct the required formula. In the cell search and replace tags are entered in the usual form, and possibly some additional keys. In processing the HTML file, the following steps: Remove the tag – the tag is removed and the corresponding closing tag.


Process Development

And in order to become possible the process of correction, the Creator, joined them a spark of desire to give, which is in us in such a infancy, which did not felt. It's not even a desire, and the embryo, which, as in the genes, the programs of our development. Spiritual gene. That is the spirit that every man develops in himself for many circuits. We do not feel it because it is hidden in our egoistic desire to receive pleasure, but it determines everything that happens to us in life. We cry or laugh, seek knowledge, or not sleeping at night, dreaming of fame – all of our desires and feelings are determined rooted in the soul of our program development. Stage of development in accordance with this program, each one of us in its present desire feels like biological body, located in the material world.

Our bodies are feeling so arranged that paint in the brain is such a picture. When the present is filled with the desire to accumulate frustration in a fruitless attempt to keep in It fleeting pleasure – we gain some experience, and it is time to move to a different, qualitatively new stage of development. Only filling all desire, and disappointed, we are able to disclose desires a completely different kind. Then the sensations in our desire to disappear, the old perception of reality disappears, and we die. This is because the desire of the current level was defined content, because desire – it is always a sense of lack of filling, and to a new level of desire to another, so the old must be replaced.


Samsung Years

For delicate fabrics enough 400 rev / min for cotton – 800 rev / min. Usually in modern washing machines is a regulator of speed. Another parameter washing machine is a type of control – mechanical or electronic. Machines of the first type have a mechanical programmer, through which you can select multiple items washing. Recently replaced mechanical control comes more reliable – electronic. In a car of this type after selecting the type of underwear, just click the Start button. Everything else will do the car. During the washing process allow you to monitor LED indicators.

They also allow diagnosis of a washing machine malfunction. Reliability of the washing machine is determined by the country in which it was produced. Korean cars (LG, Samsung, Daewoo) operate reliably for at least 5 years, Italian (Zanussi, Indesit, Ariston) – 5-8 years old, German (Miele, Privileg, AEG) – 10-15 years. We should not forget that the longevity of the washing machine depends upon the conditions. Poor water quality, voltage spikes, improper installation and other factors can cause damage to the machine. Washing machine – rather complicated and expensive household appliance. Therefore, repairing a washing machine to perform better in the service center.

Installation and connection washer – process requiring sufficient qualification preparation. Need execute carts electricity water ensure plums into drains. Therefore connection for washing machines also recommended to use the services of the service center. Today, buying a washing machine is not a problem. This can be done at a specialty store, online store, a supermarket home tezniki. You can also buy BU machinery from Europe. However, it must be remembered that, save in the purchase, you may lose in the repair. Buying a new car, check the warranty card filled, it will avoid problems with warranty.


Web Directory

Directory of sites (web directory), it is the same – directory of Internet articles or online resources – a structured set of links to sites with short descriptions. Themselves online resources within the directory are divided thematically. Thematic breakdown, undoubtedly have a positive effect on search engine optimization. Also check the catalogs increases the number of inbound links to your site. All catalogs are divided into four groups: private directories – adding sites in a catalog by only one person responsible for it. The remaining three types of catalogs are black, gray and white. White article directories and websites follow certain rules which are consistent with objectives set before the search engines, and do not use illegal methods. Following a link to a directory on another resource page, the page description of the site in white catalog of articles placed higher in comparison with standard references.

In addition, the correct (direct) links from directories will promote white site-specific search queries. Sometimes just the correct registration in catalogs is enough to website hit the top ten in search engines. Black and gray article directories and websites are prohibited methods: the presence on the site entrance pages – doorways and fraud in requests. It often happens that such a directory puts a link Site Web master via a redirect. Benefits of such a link is almost none. As it is not passed no PageRank, no Witz, or weight keywords in exile. The only benefit from these catalogs – an additional influx of visitors.

But usually, it's too small. During the registration site in this directory, the web master must place a link back to your site. If the directory – open (white), it puts a direct link to the site, and does not require the placement of 'inverse links' on your resources. Catalogs are moderated and unmoderated. It is not difficult to guess that the unmoderated directories accept all sites in a row. Imagine an environment in which it may be your site. In addition, search engines link to unmoderated directories do not accept. In the HELP Yandex directly referred to. Moderated directories, usually to the following conditions: – place direct links – no need to reverse links, or its location is not necessarily – you send a notice of acceptance or rejection of adding your site to the directory. To help the webmaster, there are many programs for semi-automatic and automatic registration different search and navigation systems online. With these programs can be qualitatively and quickly add the site to search engines, directories, ratings, message boards, sites, link exchange, etc. Registration site to directories – this is the first and very important stage promotion. Placement of articles and sites in the directories will be of great benefit in promoting a search engine optimization of your website.



Otherwise, you must either abandon the site or order the creation of a web studio. Make a website without this knowledge is in principle possible, but the quality will be low, and unlikely such a site would be popular among Internet users. Often, the first site is hosted on free hosting, but this should not be done in any case. Similarly, you should not use the free domain names. Value domain registration in ru and quality hosting starts from about one thousand rubles a year. As a result, you avoid many problems associated with free services, so it is hardly reasonable to save it. Thus it is necessary to choose a hosting with PHP and MySQL, that is, one where there is an opportunity to place dynamic websites.

Static sites today are outdated and do not create. To create a dynamic site to be use a content management system (CMS). There are a lot of quality systems that are distributed free of charge. To create a weblog, called a blog, would be the best WordPress, but for other sites types should select a different system. If you want to pretty much use predefined templates, and not good at programming in PHP, you can choose Joomla or Drupal. The latter system is preferable, although it requires more effort development.

If you have an idea about programming in PHP, a good choice content management system MODx. You can select and another system – the choice is huge, but to use any content management system should be required. When creating a site to be constantly aware of its search engine optimization and further promotion. There are certain rules that allow the sites to do with quality in terms of search engines, and need to know not only them but also to apply in practice. Create a site a little, you should always promote it to potential visitors could learn about it. In order to entice visitors have come to the site It should be interesting information is located. However, it must be unique, so that copying other people's texts and images is not only illegal, but largely useless.