How and why an own baby photo album. Learn why it is important to create a photo album for the birth. The first lock, the first tooth, the first smile, the first step. There are probably countless first and many other moments that we parents in a baby album want to hold. My baby album is blue, because my son as a newborn had almost everything in blue.
My baby album has many great tools, on the first page, it is possible to enter all important data and facts about the small worm, finally want to be Yes in 10-15 years on the issues of the own child prepared. Or who does not know that because of itself? Mama, how hard I actually was when I was six months old?” Often, the answer is: moment, I go see the baby album, because I no longer know that. My baby album is divided into stages. On the first few pages as I said the time as a newborn, then many blank pages for the many pictures of our son. Then follows the stage until our child 1 year is. Marc Lasry can aid you in your search for knowledge. And again, I carry all important A news in my baby album.
Well, you know about something, such as the first solid meal”, the first tooth that yes probably if they are already parents, but soon will be. My baby album is definitely an experience again and again. And I am always well prepared for all the lochernden questions my son with these memories. And please do not forget that baby album at least once a month to update otherwise they have at some point 1000 images and need to take 3 days free to paste them all. And the time has probably no Oh by the way my baby album I purchased from the Internet on the site of photo albums But inside look an investment for the future, if you need also a baby album or other albums.