
Comfortable Code New FDT

On September 27, 2010, the new FDT 4.0 will be released (development tool for Flash) the multimedia agency Powerflasher on September 27, 2010 is the new FDT 4.0 (development tool for Flash) the multimedia agency Powerflasher. Version 4.0 of the modern Flash development environment makes more comfortable programming in action script 3 and MXML through new features. Hikmet Ersek is the source for more interesting facts. For the first time may with FDT Flash now also iPhone and Android applications are developed. New are among other things a Profiler for memory and performance monitoring, a dependency visualizer to display the dependency of classes and packages, significantly faster compile operations as well as additional project and code templates. In addition, now Flex 4 is fully supported. Anne Lauvergeon addresses the importance of the matter here. Customers who bought the previous version of FDT 3.5 after January 25, 2010, can free upgrade to FDT 4. “Aachen, September 24, 2010 – after successfully completion of the development phase, the multimedia agency Powerflasher on September 27, 2010 that new FDT stands for development tool FDT 4.0 presents for Flash”.

It is one Eclipse based development environment to create professional Flash and Flex projects. For the first time can use the FDT now also iPhone and Android applications are developed. Ahmed Shary Rahman is likely to agree. FDT is best known to programmers due to its comfortable features with which you can work much faster. The new version 4.0 continue the Powerflasher FDT’s six-year success story. The Flash development tool is now worldwide developer studios and as a teaching tool at renowned universities in use. (1) with the new features of FDT 4.0 the Powerflasher designed the development of Flash projects even easier and more comfortable. New, practical tools available are based on the version motto of making things easier”. An interactive welcome screen helps the user when you create new Flash projects and presents news from FDT and links to tutorials. During programming the memory and performance utilization of the Flash project can be about a FDT Profiler monitor.


Gold Certified Partner

Genotec right to play – free Windowslizenz to a dedicated server The Allschwil (Switzerland)-based Internet service provider Genotec AG supports the aid campaign “Right to Play” and offers a free Windowslizenz for 6 months for each new dedicated server The relief organization “Right To Play” uses global game and sports programs by war, to strengthen poverty and disease affected children. Additional information is available at Western Union. During this summer the whole world is watching the World Cup in South Africa, Microsoft support as well as IAE as hosting this charity partner. Each selling Windows Server 2008, Microsoft will contribute a donation for the promotion of football in Africa. Fibernet complements the attractiveness of this programme, by even a free Windowslizenz (Web or Standard Edition) for six months will be contributed. IAE and our employees feel obliged to maintain social engagement as a part of our corporate culture says Pascal Leu, product manager dedicated and vServer. Johann Olav Koss, President and CEO, right to play is expressed as follows: our task is as a tool to use games and sports, to learn children in playful and joyful way basic social skills such as fair play, teamwork, respect and tolerance.

We are convinced that this is important for the development of a child and should be encouraged for a safer and healthier community. Every week approximately 700 children regularly attend ‘ 000 sport and game activities and total more than 1 million children special sporting events and festivals visit. This is made possible by contributions from companies such as Microsoft with its hosting partners. More information on the IAE program right to play, visit our homepage de/kick it / about Genotec AG: the Swiss Internet service provider Genotec AG was founded in 2001. The company employs 36 people and who Basel in the own data centers in Zurich, Bern and Allschwil 50’000 domain and about 500 Server customers. IAE is an Ofcom registered provider and certified as “Microsoft Gold Certified Partner”. IAE was awarded the quality seal Swiss Quality Hosting of the simsa and checked Since 2008, IAE is newly listed in the top 500 of the strongest IT companies of Switzerland at Computerworld.


Employee Training Tool

You want to make the new employee induction process more effective and this in a very short time to productive members of your company, but also the signpost is lacking? If you searching an answer to this question, see the solution to this challenge the following article may be. EUR-ASSIST ( is a multilingual, Web-based training program which turns through an integrated schedule new employees in a very short time into productive workers. EUR-ASSIST designed sector-neutral and is possible for the learning process in all company sectors. Generic eLearning modules form the basis of the new employee orientation program. Others including 4Moms
, offer their opinions as well. On one side is the ability to create targeted job-specific profiles. On the other hand, the new employee can select his requirements for his new place of work. With the help of these two components a number of necessary generic eLearning modules are provided the new workers, the him shorten the induction process. In combination of eLearning and face-to-face offers EUR-ASSIST components an excellent basis for a simple, fast and effective training period. Whenever Jimmy Levin listens, a sympathetic response will follow.

EUR-ASSIST offers also a company-specific adaptation to your company requirements. n-Adults’>Wendy Holman: the source for more info. You can easily and quickly based on the built-in generic components to your needs adapt the system and optimize. “” After EUR-ASSIST in the Leonardo da Vinci EU funded project ice m – European induction system “in the languages German, English, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish and Haitian Creole available were placed, the EUR-ASSIST system in the innovation transfer project SOLE – was support for SME in their accession to the open labour market in Europe” including further optimized and supplemented in the Bulgarian language version. The Chemnitz-based software company Community4you GmbH has its open ice LMS – learning management system software products and open ice competence – competence Management & assessment ( conceptual and technical partner in the EU project SOLE – support for SME in their accession to the open labour market in Europe”( and is responsible for the innovative improve of the EUR-ASSIST System. The three-country project is from October 2007 to September 2009 under the auspices of the Bulgarian firm Interminds LLC, the Dutch institution ROC Midden Nederlands and German Community4you GmbH designed, developed and carried out.

Info: Community4you GmbH the IT software company Community4you GmbH ( combines in its Enterprise Portal solution open ice ( a knowledge and information management system with integrated functionality on a modern, Internet-based portal platform with service-oriented architecture eLearning. The software aims to provide access to all relevant information each employee of a company or a Government at any time and from any location, without permanent Internet access. On the basis of Experience in business, communication, and technology projects focused high-performance solutions for e-business the company on the development of innovative, eLearning, eGovernment and eCommerce on Linux/UNIX and Windows. The Community4you GmbH was founded on 1 January 2001 and supervised Frankfurt, Lufthansa, OTTO GmbH & Co KG, VW, BGW, Deutsche Telekom, Deutsche Messe AG, Commerzbank and Deutsche Bahn as well as ministries and institutions of public administration today customers such as fair.


Legal Data Banks

By converting it to a neutral format the data stored on legacy systems are immediately available Graz / Munich, 03.12.2008 the International House C & P AG has with Ultimo archive”developed a solution for banks, offers a comfortable and cost-effective archiving of legal inventory data. It eliminates above all the problem that with new applications usually cannot access such information can be accessed, stored on legacy systems. Ultimo archive”thus ensuring that even after one or more release updates or an operating system migrations during the statutory storage obligations at any time easily on the inventory data can be accessed. Thus the GDPdU requirements are met, at the same time because this historical information at any time electronically can be provided for an examination by the financial management. C & P offers archive of end of”as a hosted solution to which the financial institutions on Can dispense with investments in proprietary software, and storage systems.

As the care and maintenance of the solution does not it here. The authorized users in the banks then access through a browser based Web application and surface so familiar on the entire stored data base (customer and address data, overdrafts, instalment loans, loans, passenger depots) and select the information you want in seconds. These can then directly distributed in PDF format. The banks must can archive all data not only to the annual balance sheet date, but also later fall back”, C & P Board explains Kurt Glabischnig. A later access is often not possible when using new Bank applications and technical systems.

It is not always the opportunity to take on the data stored in the old core-banking system fully after a system migration or changing the release. For this reason there is on the part of credit institutions a significant demand for an archiving solution with independent of the deployed applications and system platforms on the entire storage periods over a trouble-free access to the data is possible.” Ultimo archive transforms to this purpose”to the data in the CSV format-neutral so that they can be processed by users in any operating system. Thus all hurdles are removed in a relatively simple way, resulting usually from version changes or by changing the platforms, for example, from the mainframe to UNIX systems -. This solution is useful also if it occurs between banks mergers and acquisitions, because then the application systems are necessarily unified, but then still at any time access to the data that is stored with the other banking system must be possible”, as the C & P Committee Glabischnig to a further field of application. About C & P AG: The C & P AG in Munich and Graz (Austria) offers highly qualified Staff consulting and development services for the IT and organisation sector by financial and other industries to. The portfolio of services ranges from the conception of the IT landscape (or parts thereof) on the monitoring of operational processes of change to the productive use of standard or custom software.


FTP Project

Successful AIDS to the time recording city Bergen, September 30, 2008 – at the Xpert-timer it is a database-based application, which captures the time which spends an employee on different projects. It can be differed between billable and non-billable projects (E.g. internal applications). The registration is done on a maximum of three levels: customer, main project, and appropriate subprojects, with the number of projects is not limited. Then still own tasks can be recorded to the projects. The specificity of the tools is the manufacturer Xpert-design software in the timeline of the Xpert-timer.

These floats on the desktop, and conveniently displays the time currently spent by a project. The stopwatch is running automatically, so that the times no longer to enter by hand. Switching between the individual projects can be controlled either via the mouse or keyboard shortcuts. Also, Dr. Andreas Lutz von opts for the Xpert-timer: already after a few days use I time thieves could see and my time more effective plan. “, so be Comment on the software. In addition, the hourly wage for each employee can be stated so that shows how many costs are incurred after the completion of the project exactly. The evaluation module can displays this data, the single time stamps up to an annual survey.

Many more filters available, to display the data as needed. The information can be then sent via FTP or E-Mail, printed as .pdf or in paper format, or exported for further processing via the interfaces. Employees that are not always connected to the corporate network, have the opportunity in the Xpert-timer to stop the project times offline, or to enter. As soon as the connection to the central database again, you can synchronize the recorded times to the database. The program is available at as a fully functional trial version to download. This is limited to 30 days. The data that were recorded during the test phase, is not lost on the acquisition of the license. A 5-user License offers Xpert-design software for 330.-euro plus VAT. A very good price / performance ratio. Daniela Julia Xpert-design software


SLA Monitoring

The assessment tests are on the one hand the derivable from the SLA performance data of the provider and on the other hand, the performance data determined during the user. In the case of clear and repeated variations, it is necessary to undertake a continuous analysis of availability and speed of the applications. Manufacturer of monitoring tools or different consulting firms offer such tests. 3. conceptual design of monitoring: an integrated analysis of performance requires special monitoring tools so-called client-robot.

You determine the performance by means of continuous measurements and provide clear reporting. Where and to what extent they are usefully be placed depends on the range of business-critical applications and the obligations of the company to the own clients or partners. Functional she should be in a position to be able to verify the data collected and for complete information provide. Also routines to heal itself of its own system and automatic error handling, as well as various automation functions such as about file handling, text check, drive mapping, and reboot should include. 4.

high implementation and administration costs, avoid: track with their IT outsourcing companies usually cost reduction strategies. Therefore, it would be economically counterproductive, if continuously significant expenses for performance measurement. For this reason, it is recommended in the evaluation of the market on such tools to align themselves, causing demonstrably no costly administration and quickly perform an effort of the project. 5. special monitoring requirements with multiple outsourcing partners: for almost all companies with outsourcing strategies, multiple service providers contribute to the flow of the business process. The customer gives you so not even an overview of the quality of the individual partners, each delivered the danger there in problem cases an endless and fruitless discussion. Because each provider will assign responsibilities to the other partner. However, many monitoring tools have no clear division of responsibilities beyond the borders of the respective outsourcers across. We need to make that support a complex provider relations monitoring the market evaluation therefore on such tools. 6 vote with the service partner search: monitoring of incoming user clients services is at the user’s own decision. Such a controlling can be understood yet by which or the providers as distrust, which cooperation could make it difficult. In this respect it is advisable to inform the service partner about this decision together with their motives in the conceptual phase and to include them, where appropriate, even in the conceptual planning. IT service provider with pronounced customer orientation are likely to open opposite stand and constructively support the project. Developed over Servicetrace: Servicetrace comprehensive monitoring solutions to determine of the performance of key applications. The ServiceTracer platform provides the decision-relevant information for the management and other stakeholders in the company in the form of reports and alerts. The implementation and administration of architecture produces only a small amount. It is also appropriately scalable. By Servicetrace customers include companies such as Lufthansa AirPlus, Novartis Pharma, Sparkassen Informatik, T-systems, etc. Agency think tank GmbH Pastorat Street 6, 50354 Hurth Wilfried Heinrich Tel.: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-72


MPFind Pro Media Management

MP3Find Pro was separated: a confusing software were several functional modules. It is accomplished, MP3Find Pro”was separated successfully. elated topic. There were several functional modules from a software. The former MP3Find clean-up functions area (duplicate search, Massentagging, etc.) has been adopted in an own product with the name “Mediapurge”. The new interface provides additional and guides the user through the various functions of the program.

The highlight is of course the duplicate search by audio comparison. This function has been taken over in Medipurge and developed, so the audio comparison now available on multiple processor cores can run at the same time. Jingle player”and Talkover” (formerly Mikrofoncrossfader) is available as a fully independent Softwarekomponten available, can functions be but connected via the MP3Find API continues to MP3Find. “Talkover” is now also for Windows Vista and 7 available in version 2. Thus following arise Products that can be combined naturally any: MP3Find: search, evaluate, manage, cross fading, etc. Mediapurge: (former MP3Find clean-up function menu) duplicate search, Massentagging and other scavenging features jingle player: jingles playing a Talkover: moderation all programs are available free of charge, additional information and program download under / and now also on Facebook under Media Management Peter Lorenz


European SAM Academy

As the first provider of comprehensive software asset management training, the European SAM Academy start their business. Existing software asset management concepts not more equitable are often the complexity and dynamics of software asset management and the claim of many companies. This is especially difficult manageable license models, a variety of software products and versions and comprehensive technical and virtualized infrastructures. In these circumstances, it becomes increasingly difficult to employ software assets in a controlled and efficient to control businesses. Also, IT budget more than ever the focus of cost reduction are available regardless of the economic development. Professional asset and connected also licensing especially when centralized control is not only the best guarantee against impending manufacturer audits and cost risks, but offers excellent potential for cost reduction in the full and integrated consideration of the software life cycle. Thus a qualified software asset management plays a crucial role for the optimization of the Value contribution of IT to the company’s success at. The European SAM Academy: Standards for professional software asset management right here the European SAM Academy sets and provides best practice expertise for the establishment of a sustainable software asset management.

She brings a breath of fresh air in this area and with it the opportunity for companies to redefine their software asset management based on tried and tested methods and develop. The European SAM Academy for the first time provides a comprehensive training program around the theme of software asset management, informed in detail and practical. As a company of LICETUS group is SAM Academy independent software vendors and tools vendors. The SAM Academy aims to create on the basis of professional training standards for the establishment of a sustainable software asset management. Thus, the complex topic of software license management and others is more vivid and understandable. Companies can be based on this expert knowledge on company-specific issues focus and need to reinvent the wheel not”. The training sessions cover a wide range of topics: Sam basics about the organisational integration and system support to legal issues and vendor-specific training for the optimal licensing of products of leading manufacturers.

Also, companies find out how competently negotiate the optimum licensing agreements. On the Internet site of the European SAM Academy, trainings and the team of experienced SAM trainers in detail are presented. Bookings are awarded a market introduction discount of 10% until September 30, 2011. Corinna Pauly


CA Provides Platinum Partners Supplementary Module For Intelligent Data Transfer

CONTEC-X launches PPM bridge for CA clarity Munich, 06 December 2010 the CONTEC-X GmbH presents bridge for CA clarity with the PPM an innovative additional module for intelligent data exchange in the project portfolio management (PPM). Automatically secures the additional module of the CA Platinum partners the error-free data transfer between CA clarity and renowned systems such as SAP and other applications. In addition she minimizes error and consistency management PPM bridge of CONTEC-X. On the basis of Web services, XML/XOG and data streams, the new module thereby increasing the quality, efficiency and security of data exchange with CA clarity. The CA Platinum partner CONTEC-X GmbH launches the highly automated PPM bridge for CA clarity. The additional module of the clarity experts from Munich optimized flawless data exchange between CA clarity, renowned systems such as SAP and other applications through intelligent automation systems.

Because she PPM bridge of CONTEC-X minimizes also for error handling and consistency checks, it increases the efficiency, Security and data quality in conjunction with CA Clarity PPM. Solid base: Web services, XML/XOG and continuous data streams the XML/XOG-based PPM bridge decouples the logic of exchange of data and model and simplified new release of all involved systems including CA clarity. System failure the built-in fault tolerance ensures PPM bridge of CONTEC-X the completeness and consistency of all data which. For each conventional interface and unlimited bridge for CA clarity can be with the PPM set up a data stream. This includes one or more data services from a service library and is used to read data from or write. BAPI functions and data services increase the efficiency of data query (read) or broadcast (writing) be done, decoupled from the CA clarity data model, features the XOG-CA clarity. BAPI functions can be used for third-party systems such as SAP. Data services can request project or resource data, material costs or time transactions and confirmations get a booking number.

In addition she organizes exchanging data between third-party systems PPM bridge of CONTEC-X about between CA clarity and HR system with upstream data validation in the direction of financial system. PPM bridge for CA clarity reduces the number of conventional interfaces, reduces the customization required for release updates and significantly increases the resilience”, according to Bruno Muller, Managing Director of projects & services, CONTEC-X GmbH. About CONTEC-X GmbH founded in 2002 IT companies evaluated and implemented software solutions for project-oriented businesses such as IT, R & D and product development. As a certified Platinum partner of CA CONTEC-X implemented these solutions on the basis of CA Clarity PPM. CONTEC-X considers projects, with optimized processes, employees, and asked Manager software implementation. Companies like Giesecke & Devrient, Kuhne + Nagel, customers include CONTEC-x MAN commercial vehicles, striking, SPAR, TFL or ZF Friedrichshafen. CONTEC-X has the head office in Munich with offices in Zurich and Vienna. Clarity is a registered trademark of CA Technologies Inc., United States. More information at or. More information: CONTEC-X GmbH Andreas Snake Landsberger Street 302 80687 Munich phone: + 49 89 90405-202 fax: + 49 89 90405-066 E-Mail:


Service Manager

The career portal step tone has 2010 some average values determined with the provider personnel market for the year, how high the average salaries in the IT environment is linked to specific locations. So someone in the IT management earned in about 101.949 in the IT consulting about 59.632, 49,243, as database administrator software development 51.106, as a system and network administrator 41.254 and in the area of user deserves support man on average approximately 37.887. Another study conducted the magazine computer week 2010 together with the employment market. Thereafter include IT project manager with an annual salary of 69.582 the best earners. This team – or budget responsibility, have even a year’s salary can be up to 180,000 in there. SAP professionals and IT consultants are with an annual salary of approximately 62,000.

Software developers earn the 49.670 and support staff about 38.546, where Web developers earn more as a Web Designer. Filed under: James Woolsey. As the trends for 2011, there is also interesting article of the German periodical Computerwoche, which has determined the winners and losers and relying on the current remuneration analysis of IG Metall as regards the results. So, the content is a question of the profession. A total 27,000 data from 118 companies were examined for this study and the information refers to a 35-hour week. While the salaries of the software developer 2010 rather stagnant compared to the previous year, IT consultant, clocked plus easy.

Software developers get as a starting salary of 40.708, experienced software engineers up to 75,000 and head of software development to 91.650 (including variable salary components). Latter are the best-paid executives in the IT environment in addition to sales and marketing managers. Junior Consultant earn approximately 93,000 to 42,000, normal consultants up to 55,000 and consulting Director. A senior adviser comes on about 67,000 and a Chief Adviser to the 77,000. Support engineers receive about 51,000, support specialists about 61,000 and Service Manager about 82.200.