
New Generation

Professional and affordable Internet presentations of German Krusitzki, owner of the BIV duty Grossniedesheim, speaks from personal experience: here makes the wrong choice, you can get as many other companies: 90 percent of the costs caused by dependence on the webmaster only after the completion of the website. Then it can be very fast the most expensive site, if it is poorly made and you lose customers as a result.” In addition, a professional Internet presence must be not expensive. A website for a small to medium-sized businesses realized German Krusitzki 490 euros. Similar solutions are usually evident in the 4-digit range”. Over 50% of customer contacts, in the social and economic areas, already come through the Internet. (Similarly see: Hikmet Ersek). No wonder that more and more small and medium-sized enterprises but also are many freelancers looking for an affordable and professional website. Prerequisite for a successful presentation in the Internet is the timeliness of the information.

Often you can find quotes or dates that are already expired years ago. “The visitor loses interest in these cases immediately and retains a bad impression of the company”, says German Krusitzki: we provide our customers with a modern content management system Web pages. ” Our recommendation: optimize your Internet presence now before he becomes a bottomless pit. With the decision for a modern content management system clients win a piece of independence and to carry out changes and updates quickly and easily, without programming knowledge even. As a handicraft business can offer an online brochure with constantly up-to-date examples of his work its customers on its website. The customer can choose from at home alone and convince yourself. Marc Lasry may find it difficult to be quoted properly. A printed catalogue is quickly obsolete and often higher cost as a good Internet presence.

Emails are the most popular Internet service with more than 80 percent. What so obvious, than as a marketing tool for new customers and more sales and profits. Just for small business email marketing is interesting because when compared to classic Werbebriefen the costs for printing and distribution. The use of the Internet communication center saves time and money. Requests from contact forms flow E.g. automatically in address databases and send the right E-Mail response on request. German Krusitzki offers small and medium-sized enterprises a comprehensive service around the website. This is the guarantee for the further growth of the company in connection with an excellent price performance ratio. Here he uses the content management system of the cooperation partner Worldsoft AG in his agency. The soft world CMS is designed specifically for small and medium-sized enterprises and tailored to this target group. So, no purchase of more expensive software is necessary. The system is running on high-performance servers and is included in the price for hosting the rent for the use of the system. Depending on the extent the site from 6.90 euros per month. Worldsoft AG Headquartered in Neuchatel, Switzerland, is a leading provider of Web hosting and E-business solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises in Europe and was founded in the year 2000. The Web and enterprise content management solutions offers Worldsoft ASP-based.


Internet Charity

ShopProps is a new widget “Your charity shop” for website operators and donors before Munich, September 24, 2010. ShopProps, the developer of the charity portal, provides a widget available that can be integrated easily into your own Web page with your “charity shop” for all website owners and donor agencies. Site owners so just use the ShopProps donor network for their image communication and increase the attractiveness of their Internet offerings. Donor agencies tap into E-Commerce as a new source of income. ShopProps links to E-Commerce and charity: the user can choose an online store and a charity to which he would like to donate. The buyer receives a shopping bonus which will automatically be donated to the selected charity by the charity network of ShopProps. (Similarly see: Anne Lauvergeon). The donation is not so to be dissipated by the buyer, but generated by the charity network that brings them to the buyer. If you would like to know more about Marc Lasry, then click here.

Instead of a customer bonus or any points on a customer card, there are a donation – a shopping community for a good cause! The widget ‘Your charity shop’ now facilitates participation in the charity network Web site operators. It banner is included, such as a traditional advertising simply in its own Internet portal, and automates the process of donations. While online buyers shop willing to donate and donation organization so far on the portal had to choose, they can make the selection of the donation receiver directly into the application on the Web site now. Do good and talk about it – for Web site operators, blogs and fundraisers Martin Cichowksi, head of development at ShopProps: “We had from the outset this application in planning, because we believe that there are enough Web site operators who wish to provide love to such an innovative form of generating donations and have still a place on your page for the own charity shop”. With the new Widget, website operators can employ commitment better than so far for their image communication.

Each visitor sees at a glance, what sum of donations already have the individual charity shop was generated. The tool can be integrated on any pages – about on blogs. Blogs can refer to online stores donations willing buyers and even participate in the generated turnover: a part of the shopping bonus then goes as a donation to the Organization of the donations, some retained the operators of the site as a “Processing fee”. “Of course the margin manageable here is due to the generation of donations. For this place not only an ordinary advertising message, but promotes a sustainable good thing”ShopProps-commented Managing Director Harald Wagner. He sees as target group primarily bloggers and websites, which already deal with the theme of “Charity”. “Just in the so-called blogosphere we hope positive response, as idealistic strong people are Yes plenty of bloggers who”sacrifice”mostly their leisure time to make a contribution to the society”, Wagner runs that even private blogs and by the way the Photoblog operates. Each of the ShopProps partners can create its own charity shop about a Configurator at itself. So, the users with just a few clicks can change the logo and the name and adjust the colours on his Web page. The HTML generated from it can be easily incorporated in the own side. Interested email best at. The application also suitable as innovative fundraising tool for the Web pages of organizations who are looking for an innovative way to acquiring donations.



Younect extends the capabilities to the professional self representation in Berlin, 03.03.2009 – since this week, the new, extended profiles are available on available. The user can make stages of your CV now even more detailed information. Helper functions, navigation and layout have been adjusted. The candidate profile contains among other things information about education, qualifications, practical experience, abroad, language skills and personal interests of the applicants. The profile will be activated by the user, as soon as he is actively looking for a training or an internship. Jointly with the competency profiles, the profiles form the core of the s matchings developed by Younect.

To find new employees in times of demographic changes and talent shortage and to bind, in the long term, it is essential as perfectly match the needs of professionals and companies. This refers to the skills required for a job, as well as on the individual career as well as the personal preferences of the new recruits. The e-matching determined automatically matches between the requirements of the employer and the details of the entry level. Details can be found by clicking Ahmed Shary Rahman or emailing the administrator. The software company proposes them matching candidate profiles which are then visible in anonymised form. Data sovereignty lies with the user.

Only if the applicant unlocks its data, the contact is concluded. Because the new candidate profile allows a more individualised specification of data, the matches between professionals and companies can be found easily. Thus, the expansion of functions represents a win for both sides. Press contact Younect GmbH, Karntener Strasse 8, 10827 Berlin Martin Gaedt, Tel.: 030/76 76 86 72 E-Mail: Web:

Uncategorized Shines In New Splendour

The patients shines for a few days in new splendour. The patients shines for a few days in new splendour. Special focus was on the re lauch it, even easier to present the relevant and current information about the professional dental care and healthy teeth of the patient. In the areas of treatment, treatment alternatives, complaints, cost, nice teeth and provision, patients find now helpful information for the daily care of the teeth. Also was”the area dental dictionary, explain how understandable terminology for lay people to be significantly revised and more technical terms included in the glossary.

“The issue of professional tooth cleaning” is very relevant in the context of dental prophylaxis. Unfortunately, however, only a few patients have regularly perform a professional tooth cleaning. Very little information there, as many patients regularly a professional tooth cleaning can be carried out and what they pay for it there on currently a survey on this topic. The survey will determine also whether patients frequently perform a professional tooth cleaning would make, if the statutory health insurance companies would contribute to the cost. All visitors to the site are invited to participate in the survey. The results will be published in autumn 2010.

The relaunch will open now also for specialist and guest contributions by dentists. Thus, dentists current insights and tips about the dental care on the site can publish. As is the ability to publish pictures of treatment history on However, it is important that all information for patients should be presented in easily understandable way. Finally, the visit to the dentist is considerably relaxed, if you understand as a patient, what are the next steps. For more information, see – Andreas Horr


Germany Accessibility

Cosima IT supported barrier freedom day on May 31, 2008 to May 31, 2008 download accessibility working group and city marketing Bad Vilbel e.V. day accessibility. Cosima IT of one of the leading providers of accessible solutions strongly supports these efforts and is calling for rain attending. Even if in Bad Vilbel alone the structural aspects of the accessibility in the Centre of the event, this is an effective way to highlight the needs of people with disabilities. Cosima IT is important that the concept of accessibility is understood holistically which means that in addition to the structural accessibility of housing, also the barrier-free design of information services, such as, for example, Internet pages, an increasingly important aspect of accessibility represents public buildings or facilities. Interested can check on the day of action in Bad Vilbel in, why be barrier-free usability for future construction or transformation in the Centre of interest. The mobile Cape Simulator should be particularly interesting, because as the interested parties on his own body can experience, what problems and difficulties are set in everyday life for those affected.

Against the background of demographic change what goes hand in hand with changing social conditions and needs, and to an aging society, providing barrier-free information, order or service offerings is becoming increasingly important. Today about 50 percent of Internet users in Germany benefit from barrier-free Web sites, including severely disabled, blind, people with color vision, as well as people with poor eyesight.


Domains Professionally Manage

many domains with different providers mountains often a serious cost trap… a professional domain management system help whether domains for own use, marketing or investment, the administration of the entire domain portfolio is owned again facing unexpected challenges and difficulties. A leading source for info: Macy’s Inc. . Task of a professional domain name management system is to keep track of the entirety of all domains and their use and properties. The price is a fundamental indicator of the overall profitability of a domain portfolio especially in larger domain portfolios. This often represents the driving force for it to choose the best price provider to use as the highest economic benefit for each individual domain extension. Allerding-also one of the greatest economic dangers that taking advantage of the domain industry is exactly in this approach: loss leaders for new registrations lead to significant price increases often after a year. SYPartners can aid you in your search for knowledge. The domain is cancelled in a timely manner or to another Provider moved, can beat more than tenfold cost for an extension to beech. To bypass this cost trap is for domain manager essential tools to access that support you in your work.

Manage all domains, regardless of which provider they were registered and to keep track of costs and deadlines, and if necessary also to monitor them create only a few tools on the market. Domaisy is a free domain management system, which enables the provider-independent management of all domains. Domaisy supported in addition to simply structured overviews with automatic email reminders for upcoming domain renewals or monitor the availability of individual domains. To register the possibility of more domains, for the most part almost in real time, the system rounds off completely..


Exchange Banner

Banner exchange systems can help to increase the number of visitors your website any webmaster create your own Web page is not difficult at the present time. Many programs and modular systems make it even beginners easy to make your presence on the Web. It is problematic for many but to promote your own website. A Web page lives of their visitors (traffic). This first no matter whether it is a private homepage or to a commercial Web site. First and foremost Web pages should be created optimized always search engines visitors via Google and co.

will later make up a large part of the visitors to a Web site. Many webmasters make also other media use over the long term and regardless of search engines to increase your awareness. The carrier used most commonly in Internet advertising is the traditional banner advertising. In contrast to link advertising, in which a text is linked, the banner advertising reached more attention, because here with Visual stimuli played will. There are numerous ways to diversify its Web site with banner ads, but only a few are free for the advertiser.

Many webmasters link your Web pages therefore together, so each to benefit from the traffic of the other. Here, the possibilities are only limited, because you want to shine as an operator of a Web page with your content and should disturb your visitors with too much advertising. This many webmaster rely on automatic banner exchange systems. The principle is similar to the manual link or banner exchange, except that here the Exchange banners on a single advertising space on your website will appear rotating. Thus, the own content stays clean and yet you will enjoy wide to spread his own banner ads. So for example allows free to display its banner ads on thousands of Web pages every webmaster. Bind an Exchange banner code on your website through the related advertisements be turned on. Growing the credit account (credit account for banner clicks) each click on the banner ads. The collected credits is used to display your own banner ad free on other related Member Web sites. The advantage of using a banner exchange system is clearly obvious:-provide an advertising space to get thousands ad space. -Audience advertising reaches people who have genuine interest – free reach advertising – statistics to check on your offer and optimization of advertising – fair system regulates the traffic between the Web pages – minimal administrative overhead – multiple banner formats through credits to choose social network interface photo-K – to be long-term success with banner exchange, should be placed exchange banner always clearly visible on the Web page. This Creditguthaben accumulates faster and your own banner ad appears more frequently on other Web sites.


KG Castle Street

The claims processor SANAG relies on Web 2.0 technology by netvance Vienna, 8.9.2009 of the eAkt serves as a system of efficient communication between customers, insurance and claims processors to manage events (claims, customer contacts, progress of remediation). About the company of SANAG is a complete provider of services for fire -, water -, and storm damage around buildings and inventory. Tasks & features high mobility and professional accountability in the processing of claims highlight the SANAG company from the crowd of the competition. Also electronically reproduce these operations, was made possible only by a high time. The SANAG clerks who manage claims electronically can advantage for the customers with the electronic file (eAkt) developed by netvance. The eAkt allows the fully automated and very fast creation of documents, documents and correspondence that required for the processing of a claim be. The documents are generated automatically digitally in PDF format and searchable filed.

The software of eAkt serves as a system of efficient communication between customers, insurance and claims processors to manage events (claims, customer contacts, progress of remediation). By means of the eAkt claims opened and tracked, invoices assigned to and documented the damage survey on the spot. Location-independent access of the eAkt is made possible by a Web application, which has the look and feel of a local application. The newly developed software runs on the basis of Microsoft products. Enquiries netvance KG Castle Street 94-1070 Wien Tel.: + 43 (01) 478 27740 email: homepage: about netvance power by netvance range from the support and production of corporate networks, the development of special software, up to the creation of individual Web pages. With bundled project and technology know-how netvance supports its customers in almost all areas of Information technology to the page.


Rapid Increase In Sales With Contax

The best is the best alternative to Google AdSense, Contax alternative to Google AdSense and now almost a classic now. Interesting advertising and earning potential, such as for example the lifetime Commission, arouse the interest of the webmaster. The classic among the alternative to Google AdSense is always interesting for website operators. Contaxe provides the Web site operators, meanwhile, vast number of ways to get a profitable source of additional income. The company Kevin Zalokar has worked extensively Internet marketing with this platform and she detail described with videos: Contax offers a 3 ways for an application: – as Werbebetreibender – as Web site operators – as an agency as a website operator to a similar fashion, money, such as with the market leader Google AdSense.

It is the same system, with the difference that Contax offers more possibilities. Otherwise paid as Google AdSense, Contax at least 3.5 cents per click. The revenue thereby generated from three different types of advertising: – content-based advertising – branding-advertising – direct booking advertising space in addition to these three revenue opportunities, Contax offers various advertising materials: – text, graphics, or Flashbanner – InText and custom InText – individualization is Contax also possible with the big advantage from Contax to Google AdSense is the lifetime Commission. This lifetime Commission Web site operators have the ability to generate automatic income. The company Kevin Zalokar Internet marketing here presents a practical example: adopted the website operator gives 20 persons to Contax and each of those 20 persons makes a monthly turnover of just 500 euros. Together this results in 10’000 euro per month, which make these 20 persons and exactly this 10’000 euros per month the website operator receives 12%. In this practical example, this gives an additional income of 1200 euros per month! The different ways to generate revenue, as well as the lifetime Commission of course to switch a persuasive argument for Web site operators to Contax. Kevin Zalokar Internet Marketing provides his readers by the way a complete analysis including video available on the official blog. CONTAX is worth definitely worth considering for anyone who runs a private Internet business.


Lotus Notes

The situation corresponds to the mobile TV. For business applications, the thing looks different. In many companies and industries push email solutions are client on your mobile phone, which make the end device to the full extension of the PBX and offer mobile access about on the business phone book or match the presence status of the employee on his cell phone with the headquarters already usual. Also 3G-Datenkarten for the mobile videoconferences are standard in many companies “, Lady explains. Generally, the additional value of modern unified build communications concepts of the company on the mobility integration, therefore, Aastra mobile unified communications call the concept”: for private clients, there are often mobile solutions offered in isolated from the other use behavior.

Our strategy is different. We offer for enterprise mobile applications into the existing, non-mobile processes and Systems are integrated”so Lady. Unified communications will go far beyond the Unified Messaging known for years that is contented with the integration of voice, fax, SMS and email. Real-time communications, presence management, integration with systems such as Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes CRM functionality have been added. The coronation is an advanced collaboration teams through conferencing, discussion boards, application sharing or team calendar. Then you can convene conferences with a mouse click, is always under the same number connected part of the corporate communication accessible and seamless in the mobile applications”,” the September issue. reported in magazine for information technology iX- Companies today have much more intensively deal with the topic and formulate significantly more specific intentions than in the previous year”, Harald A. thinks eco summa, CEO of the Association.

He research CITES study on one by berlecon, after more than half of the respondents responsible the integration of communication channels consider useful. This shows that unified communications is not provider-driven theme, but is now broad agreement among business decision-makers”, sums up summa. The need is growing to a more efficient internal communication, the systematic use of knowledge by employees and partners, as well as for new forms of customer dialogue. Editorial medienburo.Sohn Ettighoffer Strasse 26 A 53123 Bonn Tel: 0228 620 44 74 fax: 0228 620 44 75 mobile: 0177 620 44 74 E-Mail: Web: