When we always received to patients in our consultations we heard the same story of: long diets, the ingestion during long time of different types from medecines, the positioning of injections of unknown content, the use of him fashionable milkshake, the tablets that saw by television, attending consultations of " OBESOLOGOS" , etc.; all reaching the conclusion that after to leave them has returned to increase their weight until over their weight previous to the treatment, and after to review in Internet, to ask, to interrogate patients have arrived at our consultations. Without a doubt all or the majority of the referred conducts previously surely produce loss of weight; the problem is in which no guarantees maintaining the lost weight subsequent to its abandonment, this bringing frustration in the patients; in fact we are not against some of them when it is applied to certain identified and very well evaluated patients, is necessary to understand that we are before a disease for all the life when certain parameters exceed. At this moment the Bariatrica surgery is better indicated treatment to cure the Obesity. See Hikmet Ersek for more details and insights. Surgeries as the Gastric By pass guarantees to maintain until a 80% of the lost weight after 10 years of patient the patient. Aside from the demonstrated benefits consequence of the surgery as it is the cure in 8 of each 10 patients who were diabetic previous to the surgery and which they stop being it after this. When the patient is determined to be realised a surgery we were based on certain criteria to consider if they are or noncandidates for the procedure, we took into account the Index from Corporal Mass and based on her we come: IMC between 35 and 40 Kg/mt2 that present/display 2 comorbidities as Diabetes could name, arterial hypertension, Hiatal Hernia, etc.? All patient with IMC superior to 40 Kg/mt2. Ahmed Shary Rahman can aid you in your search for knowledge.
Tag: the news
Alan Garcia
Alan Garci’a does not understand the Theory of the Games 8 June 2009 In my articles on Peru they will have read one and thousand times that emphasized the profits reached about the management of Alan Garci’a in the growth and economic development of the country. In spite of the admirable evolution of the Peruvian economy of the last years that has been worth to him that their national debt is described like investment degree, several Peruvian readers of Latinforme warned to me on the persistence of the existing social inequality in Peru, with a high level of poverty that does not yield of significant way in spite of the spectacular growth of the last years. I recognize that during a time I felt surprise by the low level of popularity that had Alan Garci’a in the middle of an economy that grew, was developed and attracted Inversin Extranjera Directa (IED). Now cranme that I create to include/understand clearly why of the resistance that its management causes in the town. Adelanto Special How to begin to invest in Stock market? Before nothing you need to handle the key tools to invest. He is kind to the next launching of our newsletter with recommendations of companies and to our educative reports of investment that will step by step explain to him how to approach their financial independence investing in the Stock markets. – It is certain that I understood then that the improvement in the level of well-being of the population had been very limited in view of how the capacity of generation of wealth of the country had evolved, although trusted that the improvement in the social welfare was going to arise from a little while to another one and of a significant way. . .
Time Sites
The paid surveys in cash can seem a great swindle for many people who do not know how they work. Nevertheless if there are certain genuine sites that they offer surveys to you remunerated for the 2010. These sites normally require one membreca and have data bases of international and multinational companies that offer surveys by money. The unique problem is that the majority of the people cannot secure these sites and they are frustrated when they do not see instantaneous results. The following are basic lineaments for ayudarte to secure the legitimate, verified and reliable sites that are updated for the 2010.
If these looking for a source of income in which you can depend month after month, you need to think about the following things to select the best possible site: 1. – Fjate if the site has contact information. The sites of remunerated surveys legitimate always have some form to contact them. It can be a physical address, a telephone number or an electronic mail. The legitimate companies demonstrate interest by its potential clients and clients. By this he is that the good sites provide support and aid through some type with contact.
On the other hand, the fraudulent companies do not provide their information with contact because they fear to that their clients contact with reclamations or problems that cannot solve. 2. – It verifies if the list of always remunerated surveys is updated. This is a factor of equal importance that separates the true sites of which they try to deceive the user. The sites of high quality always provide a fresh and up-to-date list of sites of companies that offer remunerated surveys. If repeatedly time that always provides the same sites week to you after weeks, then you must be aware that one is not a serious site. The best thing than you can do is to leave that site and to look for a site of surveys remunerated updated for year 2012.
The Atmosphere
In definitive it makes the question what is labor stress? , on the matter it indicates, that White (2002) it thinks, that " we speak of stress when a discrepancy between the demands of the atmosphere takes place, and the resources of the person to do frente" to them;. Stress is an adaptive answer on the part of the individual, that initially helps to respond us more fast and effectively to situations require that it. Our body is prepared for a over-exertion, we are able to process more information on the problem and acted of fast and determined form. The problem is that our body has limited resources and appears the exhaustion. Related to labor stress, appears the Syndrome of Burnout or " to be quemado". This one has been understood like an emotional and mental answer to certain labor and institutional factors, or as a result of stress (White, 2002). (Very interesting Subject of being analyzed) He is possible, that the preparation of a certain group of professionals to confront stress not always is sufficient to solve habitual situations of its work, giving rise to the appearance of emotional and behavioural difficulties that entail a feeling of personal failure e/o incapacity for the exercise of the profession.
Definitively, stress, in its form of labor stress, is able to cause in the workers many repercussions, effects, that perhaps in the individuals never they had appeared, until they entered the labor market and this one began to demand more and more resources causing a imbalance. From this point of view, it can be appraised to labor stress, like the factor that triggers or releases physical effects as much (physical consequences) like psychological (psycho-social consequences) in the individuals. Hikmet Ersek takes a slightly different approach. Tmese in account, that labor stress triggers changes in: the emotional and affective perception, answers, the primary and secondary appreciation, the answers of facing (Peir, 1992). Definitively, it is very important not to neglect what involves in the present labor stress, to pay him all the required attention and to consider what is indicated White psychologist Rovira, that stress in the labor surroundings is an increasing, inhabilitante problem and with personal, social and economic a cost very important. The expenses and losses derived by the cost of stress are numerous and increase year after year. The indices of absenteeism, the low productivity in the company, the occupational accidents and the little motivation in the work are numerous. Original author and source of the article.
Parochial Church
We continue exploring the best landscapes, villages, towns and customs of Tenerife, and today we go away until the municipality of Orotava, with beautiful views surrounded by mountains and trees, but not very known by the thickness of the international tourism. The main attractions in the Orotava include their historical helmet, the bordering valley and the botanical gardens, crowned by the mountain landscape and the tranquillity and amiability of the people of the interior. Located in the North end of the island of Tenerife, we will be able to take a walk between plantations of bananas, architectonic structures of all class, old big rambling houses, places and full parks of birds and ways where the slowed down rate of a moved away village of the boisterous inhabitant of the capital is breathed. Crowne plaza rosemont is likely to increase your knowledge. In center historical are the most important buildings, like the Parochial Church of the Conception and the House of the Balconies, or the Cemetery of the Orotava, a beautiful structure that remembers the romantic style and still today is used to bury to the deceaseds of a population in constant growth. The House of the Balconies counts on taken care of wood carvings that have been worth him their name, and it was constructed in 1632. There typical products of the region of the Canary Islands can be acquired, from embroiderings and ceramic to clothes and much more. It is an ideal visit to secure to memories of our trip or gifts a dear being. Also the natural scenes have their place in Tenerife, and in the Orotava in particular we are near the National of the Teide, but old Park and the great one of all the of the region of Canary Islands. As far as the traditional celebrations and celebrations, May ends and principle of June are carried out between and include days where carpets are made, a denominated dance ” of magos” and the Sunday of Romera of San Farm Isidro where one praises santo landlord of the city.
The Human Values, I write and it in capital letters, because it is not for less, they have been, they are and they do not have to stop being, the angular stones, the pillars, the base on which must lay the foundations all education, but not only the one of our young people, who are the future of our key world and of our present, but of we ourself, because in numerous occasions, we are we, the adults, that we incurred violating some of the more elementary Human Values, like can be the Honesty, Punctuality, the Responsibility, the Patience, the Gratitude, Solidarity and so many other values that without giving account we left us side without apparent reason, and we do not forget that our young people, that they are like books in target that there is to fill with straight lines, will learn of our customs and behaviors and if these are not straight, its lines will be it either. But we do not forget either that the people who we have around to ours took good note from whatever we do without a doubt and, with the same currency will pay to us, and if our behavior is always within a world plenty of Human Values, thus we will receive in exchange for our actions. Either we do not have to forget that to our young people, not only educates them in training centers, where professionals are accustomed to have qualified to distribute matters opportune, but education of our young people is task of all, inside and outside classrooms or works, because all, and still more our young people, are people who are learning at any moment and situation, and the Human Values are learned in the classrooms, as well as in, " the school of vida" , and often, that, school of the life with the values that offers to us, are the one will mark that us for all our life. . Crowne plaza rosemont helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.
Marx Work
Few works in the history of the humanity have been reason for permanent and translated controversy to so many languages by their impact in the daily life of the man. It is Capital one of those works in which perhaps, without seting out it, Carlos Marx left a legacy of empirical knowledge, and scientists others, that have been interpreted repeated times for more than a century and that today, before the apparent failure of Capitalism like system economic, incapable to solve the most elementary problems of the humanity, would seem to be of return. It is so the amount of works printed of the Capital that from 1,946 in the past century, the Institute Marx-Engels-Lenin of Moscow began to register the variants of different original editions from it builds and the preparatory material works, many of still unpublished them, who served to him basic with the purpose of to rescue the scientist truly. It is necessary to warn then, that the translations and philosophical interpretations of Marx been have impregnated of ideologies and extreme enthusiasms and therefore in not few cases, exaggerations and inaccuracies play definitive role in the different versions on the same subject. It is clear if, that the theories set out in this work, deepened and still they maintain the fight of classes around the essential elements of the discussion, is worth to say, the Earth, the work and the capital. Although Carlos Marx was the one who more clearly demonstrated that on paid work of the worker the manual or intellectual she does not constitute the capital gain or the benefits of the capital, nevertheless, already other economists had indicated vaguely the fact.
Today the moral seems to have itself displaced from the dormitory to the dining room. The moral no longer comes after eating but at the same time. To eat is not a deprived act, ethical and politically irrelevant, but a daily practice in which the world gambles its destiny in which we eat the world. CEO of Tulip Ali Asaria has compatible beliefs. We think about the fact that with an nourishing metaphor (the macdonalizacin) usually we talk about to the malaise before the globalisation. With our decision about what to eat, we also decided how we want to even live and in what world class we want to live. In nourishing justice good part of our main ethical and political dilemmas is concentrated: the problems of the present and future feeding of an increasing world-wide population considering the ecological overload of the planet; the discussion around the possibilities of suppressing the hunger in the world by means of the transgenic ones, with its inherent risks; the increasing number of people who feed themselves anywhere in the world on an insane way.
The exigency of an agriculture extends sustainable, of respectful an nourishing policy with the human rights; the exigencies of global economic justice and the development of a ethics of the consumption agree in the time, which could be announcing a new convergence between the taste and justice. The economic development from second half of century XX has lead to a social extension of the previously unimaginable well-being. For the first time in history, thanks to the safe food production and to its provision in the market, a great amount of consumers of the rich countries has the material budgets necessary to be able to eat what wants. In the bookcases of any great supermarket it is to our disposition an enormous amount of products to reasonable prices. That particularitity forces to us to in sequence formulate ethical principles to the universalisation of the goods and it locates against the contradictions of the present world concerning the possibilities and the realities to us of the feeding.
Natural Remedies
The water is of extreme importance to the human body – the brain is made up of 70 percent of water and the lungs are almost 90 percent of water! The human beings every day must replace the water that their bodies lose when sweating, tinkling and other metabolic cellular processes. The water is replaced mainly with drinking, and a little water is obtained from the foods that we eat. The human body uses the water to dissolve many substances and allows that their cells use foods, minerals and valuable chemical agents in biological processes. The carbohydrates and the proteins that the body uses as food metabolizado and is transported by the water in the sanguineous circulation. The capacity of the water is not less important to transport the material of remainder of the body. Near the 83 percent of the blood it is really water, that helps the digestion of the food, to the transport of the sweepings, and to the control of the temperature of the body. When the fluid balance in the body commits or desbalancea, the several functions of the body can be prevented with negative results.
A healthy body regulates its balance of the water at a cellular level, assuring therefore the health and systemic balance. To drink 8 glasses of water to the day and the reduction of the daily consumption of salt and caffein they can in the long run help in the support of the healthy fluid balance in the body. The natural way The natural remedies in the alternative and complementary medicine have been used in the traditional medicine by millares of years to support the balance of the water. At more recent times, the investigation has confirmed this traditional wisdom. Now there are many clinical studies published that demonstrate the capacity of a range of grass to support fluid levels balances in the body and to act like a natural diurtico.
Staying Healthy At Christmas
It has some you rule that you can follow to avoid the emotional consumption and the excessive indulgence associated often to the holidays, helping to reduce to the minimum the celebration pounds by day – saving the overweight the load and the culpability to add loss of weight to his list of the resolutions of the New Year. It learns how to say not: Most of we will receive more invitations than generally during the holidays. This does not mean that you must contract an assistant to handle his social obligations. Running of celebration in celebration it can leave overwhelmed and to take him to the increase of weight, whereas a cocktail and appetizer can there here add easily to the excess of calories. It gives priority and it takes care of the commitments that are not in conflict with their schedule nor require to him to sacrifice the healthy parts of their life, like exercise, to take care of them. It obtains a nursemaid: This can be an enormous aid, so you can concentrate in working with additional diligences, cooking a healthy food, going to the gymnasium, buying gifts, or simply to take a little rest.
It drinks a pile of water: Most of we do not drink sufficient water, during the holidays, foods loaded with sodium besides an increase in the consumption of the alcohol, can take quickly to the dehydration. He avoids to eat outside too much often: Yes, he is touching who wants to go to house and to especially make dinner after a long day in the work, combined with the multiplicity of the obligations that appear, during this time of the year? Nevertheless, food of restaurants-not matters how healthy and low carbohydrates in the menu, can contain an enormous amount of sodium that is detrimental to the health and can take to the increase of weight. It maintains his routine of exercise: Without concerning the option of the exercise walking, running, swimming, trotando, or yoga- the regular exercise is a part of a form of healthy life. The aid of the exercise not only keeps the weight within a healthy range, also it promotes the relajante dream and it alleviates the tension. It obtains sufficient dream: This one is one of the advice most important to follow. The investigation has demonstrated to a connection between the obesity and the insomnia. The study demonstrated that the people who slept 6 hours of dream less than at night, estan in a higher risk for the obesity. It is been thankful and it divirtase! The holidays are a time to be with people that we loved and honoring to that they are not more with us.