
The Japanese

The document divulged in the capital and the interior of the state of So Paulo, it caused the anger of that propagated ' ' vitria' '. It is calculated that little more than 10% of more than 200 a thousand Japanese and descendants consolidated in Brazil believed fully the memorial. It had much doubt in air, but the majority did not accept the document divulged. The signatories of the memorial and those had divulged that it for the interior of the state had been considered ' ' traidores' ' would have to receive a lesson in case that they did not apologize public for ' ' erro' ' committed. But who was those that propagated &#039 burningly; ' vitria' ' Japanese and accused with treason those that they compactuavam and they divulged really? 4. A chaos without precedents in the history of the Japanese in Brazil: the Shindo Renmei the repressive character of the varguista nationalism, the differences of social and ideological character enters the proper immigrants strengthened during the war, the Japanese defeat and ' ' fanatismo' ' of a small group of Japanese they had been the perfect combination for the fatdico crack occurred in the seio of the Japanese colony in 1945 ends.

Of one it forms until certain simplista point, can be said that the Japanese colony if divided in two groups. Of a side katigumi (' ' vitoristas' '), that had the lack of sources of information in Japanese language and for the majority to live almost that isolated the interior of the state of So Paulo, they believed ' ' vitria' ' of Japan in the war, this perfazia group almost 80% of the colony. Of contrary position if they found makegumi (' ' derrotistas' ' or ' ' esclarecidos' '), formed group for that had access to the medias in Portuguese language, thus making possible the formation of a conscience of the truth and that, for these reasons, they divulged the notice real of that Japan had lost the war and consequentemente Emperor Hiroito left of being a figure ' ' divina' '.